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Why You Should Be Exercising In Water

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Did you know? There is a wide range of benefits for why you should be exercising in water. 

Many activities with water can be helpful for you, they have been used historically, and there are reasons why they have been. For instance, getting a shower has numerous benefits on a simple level, from cooling to warming your body and cleansing your skin. Additionally, taking a bath can have various uses depending on the temperature of the water and how you could have set up for your baths, such as reducing inflammation or pain and helping you get better sleep. For more ways to get better sleep, take a look over here.

Exercising in water can provide you with multiple benefits and could be one of the best settings to work out and take care of your physical and mental wellbeing. Furthermore, water exercises can be an all-around workout that uses different body parts and be flexible in where you can do the exercises depending on which activity. Therefore, exercising in water can be a fantastic way for you to partake if you are interested in exercising and meeting your health goals, especially if you enjoy water activities or have a facility nearby. 

What Does It Mean By Exercising In Water?

Water exercises generally comprise exercising in the water, and some people call it aquatic exercises or hydrotherapy. Exercising in water can have a wide range of benefits and is one of the most remarkable ways to exercise. This can be because you can get many benefits, but additionally, you could be supported by the water around you or buoyancy to be more terminological. 

Buoyancy is an element of water that can account for some portions of your weight, like a cushion decreasing the impact on your body to improve the feeling of exercising. Furthermore, you are very likely to find something you would enjoy exercising in water as there are numerous exercises and workouts you can do. You can explore which exercises and activities may be enjoyable and suit your needs. 

After all, exercising in water, you can target many areas of your body and even your entire body, depending on which workouts you do. However, the benefits don’t stop at physical and are always visible benefits as exercising in water. You can get cardiovascular, flexibility, and mental benefits. Also, almost anyone can exercise in the water. Some people even find exercising in the water much easier or suits their style better. 

Where Can I Go To Exercise In Water?

Although water exercises can be amazing, the accessibility and finding facilities to do them might not be as great depending on where you reside. However, if you can find a place suitable for you, it would be amazing since you can do many exercises in that one spot. However, in choosing the type of water, you can be flexible. For instance, if you are sensitive to salt or chlorine and other elements in the water, you might find another place or make preparations before going into the water. 

To get some ideas of where you could look for, here are some places you could do the aquatic exercises: 

• Aquatic and sports centres

Aquatic and sports centres can be convenient places to start your water exercise journey. The centres can have all or almost all the facilities such as swimming, leisure, and lap pools, and you would need to try out various types of aquatic exercises. Additionally, although it might depend on the centres, there could be facilities that can be a fantastic pair with the aquatic exercise you do there. For instance, some aquatic and sports centres have steam rooms, saunas, heated or cool pools, and spas. 

These facilities can have different benefits that could be pretty helpful before and after working out in the water. You could cool your body before you exercise to increase your awareness and body’s capacities to exercise longer. Moreover, even after you exercise, it can reduce inflammations, improve blood circulation, and help your muscles recover. 

• Swimming pools

Swimming pools could be the most convenient and accessible facility as you might have one near you or even in your home’s apartment complex and backyard. However, you may find various swimming pools, such as heated, indoor, and outdoor pools. You can explore which of them align with your preference and what tools are needed for your exercises. Also, the heated pool can have benefits such as increasing blood flow, not surprising your body even on cold days, and reducing stress. 

• The beach with sea access

Working out at the beach can be wonderful if you are looking for some challenges. You get the opportunities to exercise on the sandy floor where your body has to work harder due to the unsuitability of your feet and legs. You can work out on the beaches and get to the saltwater, which has multiple benefits such as improving skin health, boosting endurance and muscles, and making your mood better. Additionally, the beach can be a great place where you could get away from the noise and feel relaxed. For additional ways to improve your skin without using skincare products, take a look here.

• The bathtub 

You can set up your bathtub to have similar benefits to some exercises. You can take a hot bath to reduce pain, calm your nervous system, decrease inflammation, and improve blood flow, which benefits are similar to doing some exercises in the water. However, only taking a hot bath is not the same as doing exercises in the water. Although, if you have a large enough bath, you could choose to do some simple movements in the water or swimming movements, which can benefit you. If you are interested in learning more about creating a fantastic bath, check out here.

• Portable swimming pool

Suppose you are interested in doing some water exercises, but accessibility is a problem. In that case, you can create a facility for yourself by getting a portable swimming pool that suits your needs and the space you have at your home. Although it might have limitations and feel restrictive compared to like a beach, you would still be able to partake in aquatic exercises depending on the size of the portable swimming pool. 

What Are Some Types Of Water Exercises And Their Benefits? 

There are various types of water exercises that you can do. Each can target different muscle or body areas and provide you with myriad benefits that are not only physical but also for mental health. Generally, doing exercises in the water can provide you with cardio and strength, flexibility, and endurance. Not to mention, doing water exercises can be a great exercise for losing weight and get better sleep by helping you to reduce stress levels. For more ways to get better sleep, also take a look here.

• Walking in the water

Walking in water can sound easy and simple, but it could be more complex than it sounds. When you try to walk in the water, you can feel resistance and pressure from the water. Therefore, making it a great exercise to start in the water, you can make some alterations to target all your muscles and body like the core, arms, and lower body. 

When you walk in the water, you should be putting pressure on your heels so you don’t tippy-toe walk, as it would be less effective and can unbalance you while also impacting your postures. While you walk, to target more than your lower body, engage your core and move your arms, focusing on your walking posture by standing tall. Furthermore, you can make walking in the water more challenging and intense by putting weights on your wrist and ankle to what you can handle. 

• Water aerobic exercises 

There is a wide range of water aerobic exercises and even classes you can take to start your water exercise journey. Water aerobic exercises can help you to enhance endurance and muscle strength. There are various types of water aerobic exercise you can do. You might find getting classes a few times early when you begin to explore the multiple exercises you can do, especially if you don’t have much experience with exercising or activities in the water. You can start forming your water aerobic exercise routine as you get experience and feel confident to do it alone. 

There are also different challenges, similar to land exercises, that allow you to be flexible depending on your needs and how much you can handle. Furthermore, some water aerobic exercises can be quite similar to land exercises, such as leg lifts, lunges, and arm raises. You might find that you can do activities that you found difficult on the land more manageable to do in the water due to the support you get from buoyancy. Additionally, exercising in water can be gentle for your joint when recovering from injury and chronic pain.

However, you may find that some of the water aerobic exercises require additional equipment like noodles, kickboard, and aqua dumbbells, such as lateral arm lifts and pool planks. Also, it would be helpful for you to note that you should stay hydrated by drinking water when you exercise in water. Although you might not see it, you still sweat, and also, it would be good to know your limits such that you shouldn’t be overexercising if you feel pain, especially in the beginning.

• Swimming 

You can’t forget swimming when it comes to exercises in water. Swimming can be a great exercise in the water, particularly if you enjoy moving around in the pool and are keen to do exercise that could be utile in different situations. For instance, sharpening your swimming skills, you can use it when you go to the beach and for learning other aquatic exercises. Similar to other exercises, there are various types of swimming, such as backstroke, freestyle, breaststroke, and sidestroke. 

Additionally, you can expand your swimming exercise by using equipment like a kickboard. Swimming can provide you with numerous benefits such as improving cardiovascular health, enhancing endurance and muscle strength, and being an exercise to give an allrounder workout. Furthermore, if you were thinking of ways to tone your muscles, you might like to know that swimming can help you tone your muscle. 

However, the benefits of swimming don’t stop there, as it can be helpful for your mental health and other physical benefits. Supporting you to feel more relaxed and calm, reducing stress, improving flexibility, balance, posture, and help you to cool your body down, especially during hot days. 

Things That Can Be Helpful To Know When Exercising In Water 

When you work out in the water, it would be best if you know these: 

• Stretch

It would help you do light stretches like you would do when you exercise on land before you get straight into the water exercises. You can do stretches such as tricep extension that, stretches your arm area, particularly your triceps, and quad pull that stretch your lower body, especially your legs. 

• Stay hydrated 

Although you might not see it, exercising in water can be working your body to sweat which means it would be best for you to stay hydrated. Stay hydrated throughout your exercises. Take note to drink before you exercise in the water and after exercising. 

• Know your limit

Exercising in water could be easier for you than exercising on land. Still, it would be helpful for you to know your limit or stop and even ask for help when you feel that your body is uncomfortable and you feel pain or abnormal such as nausea, feeling weak, and dizziness.

Exercising in water can be significant and provide multiple benefits for you. Water exercises may be easier for some people as water provides some support due to buoyancy than exercising on land. Also, water exercises can be gentle on chronic pain, when you recover from injury, and for your joint. Therefore, exercising in water is almost for anyone, if not all, but you might find it challenging to find places you can exercise in water, depending on where you reside.

However, you can swim in various places, such as the beach, sports, or aquatic centres, and even getting a portable swimming pool might be an option. Also, you can be quite flexible with the exercises you can do in water as there is a wide range of water exercises that could work in the facilities you can access and meet your needs or perhaps, where you want to target your workouts for your body.