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Why Having Good Posture Can Be Important: Their Benefits

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Having good posture can be important as it can affect your overall health and provide various benefits. 

There can be different postures that are more suitable for each thing we need to be doing, whether it is a daily or one-off thing. What it means as appropriate posture can relate to how specific postures could be better on your body when you are completing tasks or activities and during various occasions. Having a good posture can be important as it could provide you numerous benefits, such as making work easier to complete or reducing tension in your body. 

For instance, it would be best to use a good lifting posture when you carry heavy boxes. You can reduce the pressure on your back and make it easier to carry them with a posture that allows you to receive better support from your body. Therefore, depending on what you are doing, it would be beneficial for you to take some time, if possible, to assess the most suitable posture to complete tasks. You may be surprised at how much having good posture can affect your overall health and even make you feel more comfortable. 

The Difference Between Posture And Good Posture

If you were to compare what a good posture could be to a posture, it would be helpful to discuss what it means by posture first. Generally, posture refers to your position when you engage in actions or tasks such as sitting, sleeping, and standing. So often, we can undermine the importance of posture on overall health and don’t pay particular attention to it. However, having good posture can be important, especially when you have pain after certain activities such as sleeping or lifting and even sitting for long periods. 

Therefore, it would be best to get accustomed to putting yourself in good posture wherever possible and staying in good posture for at least a good period. Additionally, learning to quickly change your posture consistently whenever your posture has been altered to another posture that may not be the best posture for whatever you are doing. Although good posture may seem unnatural and even be a bit uncomfortable at first, it can be better for the long run and provide you with various benefits.  

Unlike postures, good posture can allow your body to get proper support by keeping the muscles surrounding the spine balanced while positioning your spine and joints to be more in a neutral alignment. You can reduce the strain, tension, and pressure that your body could be getting when you are completing tasks or actions. Hence, having good posture can be important, and you should consider them periodically, particularly when you stay in a certain posture more often. For instance, if you spend the most time in a sitting position when you work. If you are interested in tips on good postures for daily actions, learn about them here.

The Benefits Of Good Posture

Having good posture can be important and provide you with numerous benefits, including physical and even psychological advantages. In order to position yourself and maintain a good posture, it could be helpful to be more conscious of your posture when do take action and position. Therefore, these benefits should come to light to emphasise the importance of keeping up with good posture and motivate you to be more mindful of your posture. Also, check out over here for more ways you can stay motivated. So, here are some further discussions on the benefits being in good posture can offer:

• Better digestion and circulation 

Being in good posture can help you have better digestion and circulation. Suppose you are slouching when you eat food and after you have eaten. You can be compressing your abdominal, stomach, and other organs that have a role in the digestive system, sabotaging your digestion capabilities. This can cause numerous problems such as stomachache, bloating, and indigestion. 

Therefore, having a good posture can be important when digesting what you consume. Digesting what you consume can take quite a long time as your body would be continuously trying to digest your food as you intake more food and cycle again. However, a good recommended time before you take on highly active tasks would be between at least 30 minutes to 2 hours. So, be conscious of your posture when you are eating and after you have eaten to support your body to optimally digest food so you can reduce the problems that occur when your digestion is negatively affected. 

• Reduction in back and neck pain

Putting yourself in a posture that may not be good for the activities or position can cause back and neck pain. If you put yourself in a pose that can strain and pressure your body often, your body can start to feel the toll even when you didn’t feel it for the last few times you put yourself in that posture. Therefore, putting yourself in a good posture can reduce back and neck pain. If you were looking for an activity that supports you with improving posture and reduce pain, find out how exercising in water can help you.

When you put yourself in a good posture, your body can get supported by keeping your body balanced, such as the muscles surrounding your spine, having better bone alignment, and a neutral spine. You may be surprised but not using good posture, such as having slouched back when sitting, is one of the most common causes for causing back and neck pain. Being more conscious of your posture periodically and keeping your body in a good posture more often would be greatly helpful in reducing developing pain in your back and neck.

• Breathing easier and improvement 

You might be surprised by this, but you can improve your breathing when you put yourself in a good posture. Having a good posture can keep your body in balance and a better position to optimise your capacity to breathe easier. For instance, your lung capacity can be affected if your posture puts pressure and compresses your lungs. Furthermore, causing your body to put more effort into getting oxygen to your lungs makes breathing more challenging. 

Additionally, putting on good posture can be helpful when you are exercising, such as swimming, walking, and running. When you exercise, it can be best to be in a position where you can breathe easier to put more effort into exercising instead of getting tired from breathing more heavily due to bad posture compressing your lungs.

• Boost confidence and mood

Having a good posture can help you boost confidence, whether directly or indirectly. For instance, you could think that your back is not straight and standing tall when you consistently put yourself in bad posture. Additionally, it can become harder to stand tall due to pain from being in bad posture and your body being affected by tension or strain. Therefore, keeping a good posture can contribute to your confidence and make you more confident physically. 

Furthermore, positioning yourself in good posture can help you look taller, confident, healthier, and even slimmer, encouraging you to be more social and active. In some cases, good posture can boost your energy level and reduce negative emotions, particularly if you feel less confident with your physique. If you are interested in more ways to boost your positivity, find out about them here.

Also, your posture can be affected by how your brain and body interact. For instance, you may have felt as if your body has lost energy or slouching when you are in a negative mood. Therefore, sometimes adjusting your posture to be good, sitting or standing tall and in a more comfortable position, can improve your mood. 

• Reduction in getting a headache 

Headaches can occur due to tension and pressure on the back of your neck. You can call these kinds of headaches tension headaches, which can be quite common. By putting yourself in good posture, your body can be in a more natural position which may be more balanced. In this way, your body can be supported better by good posture, reducing tension and pressure such as your neck and back.

General Things You Can Consider When Improving Your Posture

Improving your posture and keeping a good posture can be pretty challenging. However, there are various things you can consider to make improving your posture and maintaining good posture easier. 

• Being more conscious of your posture 

When you get into certain positions and take on tasks such as lifting, sitting, standing, and lying down, generally, be more conscious of your posture even if you are staying in that position for a short while. It would be best to get in a good posture wherever and whenever to get the various benefits such as a reduction in back pain.

• Practicing good posture 

When you try to be more mindful about your posture and focus on readjusting or staying in good posture, you can be training your body to know what good posture is for those certain positions. Good posture can be habitual, which could mean more you put yourself in good posture. It becomes more natural and comfortable even if the posture felt unusual before. 

• Checking the height of work surfaces

You can have a more challenging time getting in a good posture when things around you are not in a suitable setup. For instance, you could be working at a desk, but the chair’s height makes you look up at a computer or even down. This can make your particular parts of the body get strained and tense. So, when you sit, eat, or work, it would be helpful for you to adjust the setup, such as the chair, table, and even if the types of equipment like laptop or cutleries that you may need are in your reach. 

• Engaging in activities to help you stay active

Keeping good posture can require you to engage in certain parts of your body, such as your cores, to make it easier to get into and stay in a good position. Therefore, it can be best to engage in activities to help you stay active. Furthermore, some exercises can help you become more aware of your body and improve your posture, like yoga and swimming. Also, it can be good in general to engage in activities to help you stay active and could be a great bonus. 

• Wearing comfortable shoes 

Sometimes, it can be more challenging to get into a good posture depending on your shoes, especially if you are not experienced in being in a good posture. For instance, you may find that getting into a good position is difficult when you are wearing shoes with heels as they can make you feel unbalanced and change your way of walking. The variance in balance and the way you move could make you get in a posture that may cause tension and stress on your body. 

As much as postures can provide you with various benefits and affect your overall health, having good posture can be important. After all, posture can be one of the most common reasons for causing back and neck pain. So, not putting yourself in a good posture can often have consequences. Also, to emphasise, it would be helpful for you to put yourself in good posture by being more conscious about your posture periodically. Furthermore, learning what good postures are for different positions or actions, you would need to take and complete. 

Additionally, you can reflect on what postures you put yourself in most often each day to be more prepared for those postures. Maintaining and consistently keeping or readjusting when necessary the good postures can be habitual, so more often you do it, you would find it easier to do and feel more natural. Also, sometimes good postures can feel strange and slightly uncomfortable at first compared to the postures you have often been putting yourself. However, good postures can be beneficial in the long term compared to other postures, so be motivated to keep yourself in good posture wherever possible.