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What You Need To Know About Peel Pads

by Mikey Lee   ·  1 year ago  
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You could have heard about peel pads before and wondered about them. These are what you need to know about peel pads.

When going through your skincare journey, you probably experienced how the beauty world can constantly change. You may have heard about an exfoliating skincare product that seems to be getting mentioned in various places and pondered what you need to know about peel pads. After all, if something gets mentioned multiple times, there could be some reasons to explore and even try it. This can be the case for peel pads often used for their exfoliating function.

Exfoliating is one of the key processes in helping to remove dead skin cells and other impurities that may have accumulated on the skin. These buildups may lead to dryness, duller complexion and increase the visibility of skin ageing signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Peel pads can help with exfoliating, improving skin complexion and maintaining a more radiant, youthful-looking appearance. Regarding what you need to know about peel pads, read on to find out more and decide if they can help you achieve the skin you want.

What Are Peel Pads?

Peel pads are known as skincare products that help with exfoliating the skin. Using it helps brighten the skin and decrease the buildup of dead skin cells. Generally, peel pads are used after cleansing your skin and using the pad to wipe the desired area. They are quite unique in that peel pads can provide you with both chemical and mechanical or, as some may know it, physical exfoliation. 

Typically, chemical exfoliation refers to using substances or acids like polyhydroxy acids (PHAs), alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) to exfoliate the skin. These ingredients can chemically disintegrate impurities accumulated on the skin, helping them look more vibrant. In comparison, mechanical exfoliation is generally described as removing the buildup on the skin’s surface physically. 

Peel pads can offer both types of exfoliation through the formulation they are usually soaked in, containing chemical ingredients for chemically exfoliating. At the same time, the pads may have unique textures allowing for mechanical exfoliation. Through the hybrid exfoliating function, peel pads can provide effective exfoliation for the skin, leading them to feel softer and brighter.

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Benefits Of Using Peel Pads

There are various benefits that can come from using peel pads for exfoliating your skin. Typically, acids and substances are used to provide effective exfoliation for the skin on a specialised level. Peel pads are designed to have a similar effect but in a more friendly way to be used at your convenience. The peel pads are readily made and soaked in the exfoliation formulation to be quite gentle on the skin due to being absorbed into the pads and used easier. Also, it can be effective in exfoliating the skin with the hybrid exfoliating action both chemically and mechanically.

Perhaps the convenience and how easy peel pads could be used were one of the reasons for it being on trend in addition to its effectiveness. Not to mention some of the other benefits of using peel pads. These benefits can include a brightening effect, improving skin tone, reducing acne and fading acne scars. Also, peel pads are often considered gentler than other exfoliating methods like scrubs and cleansing tools, and if this piques your interest, some can be used on the body too.

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How To Use Peel Pads Effectively

After learning more about peel pads, you are likely to be asking yourself what could be the most efficient way to use them. As mentioned, peel pads are designed to be easily usable and pretty effective for exfoliating the skin. They are relatively easy to add to your skincare routine, and with their effectiveness, you may not need to use them daily. Using peel pads at night is recommended as exfoliating ingredients like AHAs, PHAs, and BHAs can increase the skin’s sensitivity towards sunlight. Applying sunscreen can be important when you have exfoliated your skin, especially in the morning. 

The most straightforward way to use the peel pads can be used after cleansing your skin and wiping the exfoliating formula-soaked pads across your face or desired areas. After using it, you could follow up with your usual skincare routine, applying your serum, moisturiser and other products you may use. As peel pads can contain acids or substances that work to exfoliate the skin, it is recommended not to be used on the same day as using other exfoliating products. Doing so could cause over-exfoliation, which you probably don’t want to do as that may cause further skin concerns like dryness and irritation.

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Some Peel Pads You Can Try

Peel pads are known to be simple to use, friendly on the skin and quite effective at exfoliating the skin. Also, after discovering more about what you need to know about peel pads, you found them interesting. It could be something you were looking for and help with some of your skin concerns. Here are some of the peel pads to try.

• Nuvadermis Glycolic Acid Peel Pads

• celimax Ji Woo Gae Heartleaf BHA Peeling Pad

• FIRST AID BEAUTY Facial Radiance Pads

These are some of the things about what you need to know about peel pads. Depending on what you have been looking for, you may find peel pads very attractive to be added to your skincare routine, particularly for the night. However, they can be utile if you want a product that is easy to use and, at the same time, help you exfoliate your skin. Not to mention the various benefits of using peel pads for exfoliation, like it helps brighten the skin and reduce the buildup of impurities, particularly dead skin cells.

Appropriately exfoliating the skin can be essential as without doing so, the accumulated impurities may contribute to unwanted skin concerns such as irritation, speeding of skin ageing and dryness. Not to mention, your pores could become clogged and also cause some skin concerns. Effectively exfoliating your skin can help it to become vibrant, brighter and softer. If you have been looking for new ways to exfoliate your skin efficiently and gently, peel pads might be what you could try next.