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8 Great Ways That Can Help You Vent Alone

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Have you been feeling tense lately? You may need ways that can help you vent alone what you have been bottling within you.

Life can be challenging and unpredictable, filled with ups and downs, it is like being on a journey, or some say a rollercoaster. As challenges become present in your life, it can be great to have ways that can help you vent alone. Often, you would be alone more than being with someone until others you may know hears about the situations you could be going through or knows about you in great detail. Therefore, it can be good to learn ways to support yourself, especially when facing challenges and difficult times.  

Finding ways to help you vent alone is one way to support yourself, and depending on what works for you, it might be convenient for diverse situations. You can explore ways that work for you most effectively as various ways can help you vent alone. It doesn’t always involve you screaming in anger or needing to talk to someone. After all, talking to someone can be one of the ways to vent but not the only one. 

Suppose you can say that you have an empty bottle. As you live your life, continuously facing obstacles and times that don’t go the way you want, you slowly fill the bottle until it starts overflowing, feeling tensed and overwhelmed. Venting can help you reduce the tension and stress which may cause you to get sick and even develop worse diseases as it gets prolonged. So, to get things started, here are some ways that can help you vent alone. 

1. Get Relief Through Writing 

Some people may choose to vent through writing. There can be multiple ways to explore how you can find relief through writing. You can engage in writing a story, mixing some creative aspects with a non-fictional part which could be about your life and put your emotions out there. Reflect on things that happened and how you felt, and write in a way to help you feel more relieved. After all, the good thing about venting alone is that what you write doesn’t need to be shared unless you want to share it. 

Additionally, you might find journaling great for you when trying to vent your frustrations and stress. Journalling can help you write the information you have kept in your head, including your pain and sadness. Writing them down can help you reflect on them and may surprise you to find that not everything you went through was negative, but there were some ups in your journey. Also, you can keep the things you wrote or even rants with you to show how you have been growing through the difficulties and allow you to share if you want. 

2. Let Your Emotions Flow   

You can choose how you let your emotions flow. One of the excellent ways to let your emotions flow is crying. As simple as it may sound, crying can be difficult for some people. After all, everyone grows differently, and you may have been exposed to a place where exposing emotions was looked at as alienated. However, crying can be a great way to let your stress, frustrations, and anger out. 

When you cry alone, it can be best to accept yourself and let yourself know that letting the emotions out is okay. Sometimes, you may want to have someone to rely on when you feel overwhelmed, but crying alone can be helpful when you take the chance to acknowledge yourself and the courage you had to work to strive through when faced with challenges. Also, find out things you can do every day to boost your positivity here.

3. Engage In Physical Activity   

You could engage in physical activity to vent in some cases. Explore how you can feel relieved, whether you find a thing such as a pillow or a doll to engage or exercise your way through the situation. For instance, some people find it helpful to find an object such as a pillow or doll to engage in some actions that can help them feel energised and relieved when they feel stressed or sad. You can talk or yell at it or punch it, which can help you let your frustration and anger out. After all, you can try a different way to vent sometimes, and you would be doing this alone in your comfort. Give time for yourself and let yourself go wild to get you going further after boosting yourself. 

Additionally, you can use negative energies and emotions to exercise yourself for good health. Get yourself feeling better and, at the same time, increase your level of health so you can feel more than ready to go on the life journey again. Who knows, exercising and the results that come from it can help you be more motivated and open the connection to yourself deeper. Also, there are various exercises such as running, intense workouts, or swimming that you can do by yourself and even put some action if you are interested, like boxing using a punching bag. 

4. Be More Creative   

You can decide to be creative with how you vent your frustrations, stress, and bottled-up emotions. Engage in creative activities and explore what activities might be the most helpful to you. For instance, you can take up painting to express your feelings with a vigorous brushstroke or wave your brush to spray paints all over the canvas with wild colours. You can also find over 20 lists of hobbies you can do at home for a change of pace here.

Furthermore, you can even get into sculpting, where you can grab a craving kit, including a chisel and hammer, to give it a good bang to create your expression of emotion in an artistic form. Who knows, using your negative energy and emotions can make one of your best artwork yet. Also, it can be something to remind you about how you can overcome the challenging journeys that come in your life. 

5. Find Self Care Activities   

You can find self-care activities that help you manage frustrations and stress that you would want to vent out. You can be pretty flexible regarding what self-care activities could be for you. Try out numerous activities that you might have heard about and known to be relaxing or even things where your interest lies. Some activities you may find helpful could be activities such as reading and listening to music. Also, to be ready for different situations, you could find multiple activities that you can do conveniently and flexibly.

For instance, if you have found reading to be a self-care activity that made you feel more relaxed and cleared your thoughts, reducing your stress or frustration, you can take a book to be prepared. However, it could be good to be mindful of the baseline when you go into a self-care regime. If you repeat things many times, you could feel the positive effect declining slowly. Also, you may end up spending too much time on self-care, which might not be ideal for you. So, try many activities and change if you think you have been repeating them often or the positive effects are not the same as previous times. 

6. Explore Techniques To Help You Cope    

Life can be fun and exciting, but sometimes, there will be times when it can get complicated, and in those times, it would be helpful to have techniques to help you cope. You can explore various techniques to help you manage challenging times and allow you to vent your concerns or stresses that you have been holding. These techniques can range from making a simple action to a step process. 

One of the coping techniques you can explore that is pretty simple would be taking deep breaths when you feel annoyed or even angry. Usually, your breaths get shorter when you are under a negative emotion such as anger and get worked up, which could worsen the circumstance. Therefore, it would be helpful to take a step back and take deep breaths when you feel under negative emotions. 

Another technique you can explore would be breaking down anger or frustration with humour. However, some people may find that discovering humour could be challenging when in a stressful or difficult situation. Still, if you can, it will help defuse the negativity. After all, humour can be the opposite of negative emotions such as anger, and after, you can try to overcome or solve the situation at hand in a more calm state. Also, for more ways to stay motivated positively, you can check them out here.

7. Connect With Yourself More    

Journalling can be one way of helping you vent alone, which allows you to be in a spot to connect with yourself, depending on how you write. Connecting with yourself can be helpful when you vent alone as you get the chance to understand more about yourself. We often dismiss the attention that we need and the benefits it can give. Therefore, discover what methods and how you want to connect with yourself, which can also help you vent the frustration or anything else that you have been holding. There can be numerous activities and tools that you may find helpful.

You can find activities that work for you and cover your needs. Suppose you like to talk, consider when was the last time you were alone and had a conversation with yourself. It could sound unusual at first, but talking to yourself can have various benefits. Also, you can do it in your comfort by being in a room alone. If talking to yourself doesn’t work for you, try singing or dancing, which can help you express your feelings and emotions. After all, sometimes, songs and dance moves can relate to the performer. You can take a journey to connect with yourself more to assist you in understanding and thinking about the source of your concerns and what could help you.

8. Take Some Time Off For Yourself  

One of the most straightforward ways you can vent alone could be to take some time off. It may sound difficult to get time alone and make time for yourself. However, you can be flexible with how you want to take some time off for yourself. For instance, you can choose to take time for yourself by going out to a cafe or garden for a change of surroundings. You could be surrounded by things that can be causing stress or concerns. Suppose you are in a small room and feel like you are stuck. Go out or find somewhere you can relax alone, even if it means a short time. 

It can be best to take some time off for yourself from time to time as sometimes, you can feel burnt out and overwhelmed by being busy or with so many noises around you. Consider getting a change of pace by taking a step back and getting some time off for yourself, taking a break, or pursuing your interests. Try things that help you cope and reduce concerns or frustrations to vent away what you have been holding. Also, if you are wondering if the time you are taking off for yourself may be a waste of time, think of why you are spending this time. Sometimes, closing your eyes and resting for 5 to 10 minutes can be significant. You could say the time you are spending has its purpose, even if the things you are doing might seem unusual. If you are interested in effective ways to manage your time, check it out over here.

The journey of life that can be wild and, at times, filled with challenges and difficulties doesn’t always have to push you down. As you face more of the tough times of your life, it can be helpful to find ways that you can support yourself. After all, you can grow and experience all kinds of things, going through the times you enjoy and find complicated or even overwhelming. Using these ways that can help you vent alone would be helpful in various situations and reduce the chance of feeling overwhelmed at once due to holding back things concerning you. 

Support yourself by finding ways that can help you vent alone to be prepared and strive even when alone, especially in challenging times. After all, at times, we also feel like being alone and not ready to always talk about things to others. Venting can be significant in helping you relieve and reduce stress, frustrations, and anger which can cause you to be impacted by harmful damage and even develop diseases. Also, there can be various options you can explore to find the most convenient ways you can vent, even alone and in your comfort.