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5 Incredible Ways Sleep Helps Improve The Skin

by Mikey Lee   ·  1 year ago  
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You might have heard people discussing the importance of getting good sleep for the skin but wondered why. These are some of the amazing ways sleep helps improve the skin.

It is no joke that so many things happen during our sleep, and even now, we probably don’t know everything that goes on at that time. However, one topic that has been getting discussed for a while is that sleep allows our body and mind to be recharged, repaired and restored. It has been known when you are sleeping, the skin can also ripe benefits from it. There are incredible ways sleep helps improve the skin, not limited to boosting appearance, healing and replenishing it.

You can be exposed to so many elements when you spend your day going around everywhere, including dirt, pollutants and impurities that could cause harm to the skin. Setting yourself to get good or beauty sleep, as some may know, allow your skin to get the time it needs to recover. Sleep itself is essential for us, so wouldn’t it be great to ripe its benefits wherever possible, including for the skin? Getting good sleep with clean skin can be something that may help you go miles in improving your skin and getting it where you want, healthy and glowing. 

How Sleep Affects The Skin

Consider some downsides of not getting the sleep you need, which you may have experienced, ranging from swollen eyes to dark under-eye circles and more visible wrinkles. It’s probably better to get the recommended sleep hours, approximately 7 to 9 hours. With these in mind, here are some ways sleep helps improve the skin by getting the good and beautiful sleep you need.

1. Helps Repair The Skin More Optimally

As often it seems to get mentioned, one of the ways sleep helps improve the skin is through helping with repairing and healing it. Your skin acts like a barrier against the many potential external irritations and stressors, such as toxins, bacteria and other impurities you may get exposed to during the day. When you sleep, your skin can become more focused on repairing and restoring the skin than its guard mode.

The healing and repairing are not limited to surface damage like UV lights but even at a cellular level where the skin works to renew and produce new skin cells. Although, your body and skin can be going through the cycle to regenerate constantly. The regenerating process can be optimal when you have efficient sleep.

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2. Boost Skin Beneficial Compounds Production

When you sleep without significant disturbance, you can go through the different stages of sleep as part of the circadian rhythms. These sleep stages help to improve skin health and overall health. Various compounds can be produced during these stages, including some that contribute to maintaining healthy skin, like collagen and melatonin. 

You may have seen collagen mentioned in various skincare products, particularly anti-ageing items. Collagen is known as protein, which helps keep the skin smooth while decreasing the visibility and development of ageing signs such as wrinkles and fine lines. Whereas melatonin is considered a hormone with antioxidant capabilities to help the skin better defend against free radicals. 

3. Help Regulating Balance Levels For The Skin 

Maintaining a good balance for the skin can be a key component to keeping it healthy. Another one of the ways sleep helps improve the skin is by supporting it to better regulate balance in the level of oil as well as hydration. Getting excess oil can contribute to developing acne and more frequent breakouts or inflammation. The oil balance can be associated with the hydration level of the skin. 

When your skin becomes dehydrated, often there is a boost in oil production and likely to cause blockage of pores which may irritate the skin. At the same time, having dehydrated skin could also make the body more difficult to guard against skin concerns like dry skin and the speeding ageing process. Getting a good amount of sleep helps with moisture loss and, in turn, regulates the oil-water balance level.

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4. Decreases Unwanted Effects On The Skin

During your sleep, the blood flow can increase in the body, including to the skin. The increase allows more fluent transportation of nutrients and oxygen for the skin, which can improve overall complexion. Furthermore, the blood flow may help to expel away impurities and toxins that could be in your body.

Additionally, somatotropin, known as a growth hormone, can increase production, which supports the skin with the repairing and restoring process. Low levels of somatotropin are considered to be associated with pale and dry skin. Good sleep can also help reduce dark under-eye circles and be less vulnerable to inflammation or breakouts. 

5. Supports Skin Health By Reducing Stress Levels

As you may know, stress can be a factor in maintaining healthier skin. Getting a good night of sleep helps to reduce stress levels and make you less susceptible to them. You might have had days when you didn’t get a good amount of sleep and felt an elevated stress level or more easily gained stress. Generally, when you have high-stress levels, a hormone called cortisol can be produced at increased levels. 

Excess cortisol could cause an elevated production of sebum which may contribute to blocking the skin pores and prompt inflammation of the skin. Also, the excess oil may make your skin more susceptible to developing acne and breakouts. Getting an efficient amount of sleep can be essential to maintain healthy skin and reducing the worsening of skin damage or conditions you may already face.

Read More: 5 Best Korean Luxury Skincare Brands For Glowing Skin

Items To Try For Better Sleep

• Human Tonik Superfood Blend Shakes

• Garden Lavender Reed Diffuser

• Sleep Pillow Spray

According to the current recommendation, a good night of sleep between 7 to 9 hours can do wonders for the skin. What sleep could involve could still be mysterious in a few areas, but these were some of the ways sleep helps improve the skin. If you want to achieve healthy, radiant skin and haven’t been getting enough sleep, this could be where you may start. As far as the skincare journey may involve, often it can include the combination of a good skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle. 

Especially if you feel your skin has been feeling dry or oily, developing acne frequently and taking a while to heal from potential wounds, sleep could be the factor. Try to dedicate time to sleep, and you might get surprised at its amazing benefits to your skin. At the same time, getting good sleep can be helpful and provide other health benefits for your overall well-being.