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3 Things To Think About When You Are Trying To Start Something New

by Mikey Lee   ·  3 years ago  
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Do you want to start something new but are you hesitant?

Maybe you want to learn some new dance moves or perhaps, more long-term like writing a book. Whatever it is, congratulations! It will be amazing when you are trying to start something new, and you can even consider this itself an accomplishment. However, there are some things you can think about to make your new journey more motivating, enjoyable, or meaningful, depending on what you want to do. Let’s get straight to it! Here are just 3 general things to consider when you decide or think about starting something new.

1. It Is Okay To Be Scared But Don’t Let This Become A Regret, Just Try

For people, starting something new can be one of the most challenging and scariest things to do. This is quite a normal feeling that many people go through when they start. You could be feeling like literally going into the unknown starting something new, and depending on the person, it could be exciting, nervous, or even scary. It is essential to know that this feeling is normal and accept it. 

By doing so, you can be more prepared and be focused on trying it instead of overthinking, being stuck in a loop of wanting to try but not taking action. For whatever reason, if you wish to build a business or just learn a new hobby, you may find it is easier to start by accepting your feeling. 

You are probably thinking, easy to say than making it happen. There are some things you could reflect about that could help you accept or at least ease the weight of this feeling and situation. 

Being direct, you could ask yourself if you want fear to take you and lead to not starting this new thing that you have wanted to try? 

I am sure you have experienced the regret of not learning, accepting an opportunity, taking action in the past, and have found that they are not easy to overcome. If you have not, it is great to hear, but many people probably have at least some kind of regret. Think about how you don’t want to add this to one of your regrets that you might have and how you would be glad because you know when regrets start to build, it takes a toll on you and is much harder to overcome or even get rid of it. 

If you are a person who overthinks or worry, you could try going head-on and just try it without thinking or leaving a gap to worry, in the genuinely want to something, and you would not hesitate. Do the same with starting something, and just start. This is not just for people who overthink or worry, but it can work for everyone. If you don’t start and keep pondering about it, you can gradually lose interest, which can make you lose the chance to try when it might be something that you need or would be better for your future than what you might be doing now. To avoid this problem, you can just do it and reflect deeper as you start, but what matters is that you went past one of the most challenging phases for you, which is to begin. 

Also, you might have heard this numerous times now, and you will never know if something was a good decision or you like something without having to try it yourself. Sure, people can share their experiences or opinions, but they are not you, and in the end, you must choose and take responsibility for yourself. 

No single magic button can instantly make you overcome other fears you may have, and the same applies to starting something new. However, there are various things you can think about or do to be more prepared for what is to come and what you want to achieve. Being ready and robust by accepting or overcoming the fear can help you gradually be more confident and motivated to do something new and face the new environment you will be venturing.

Related Post: The 9 Fears That Are Roadblocks To Your Success

2. Understand Why You Want To Do This, Don’t Compare With Others

You may have figured out by now that motivation is super important when you want to start and maintain what you started. To get a strong start, think about the why. Why are you attempting to start this? Thinking about what kind of goals you want to achieve can change how you start or the tools you may need. If time is one of your concern, check out the tips here on how to manage your time efficiently.

For instance, if you have decided to start writing a blog post, is this just a hobby or a job? To help the community or to make money? To build specific skills to begin something else next? Depending on your objective, would might have to pay for a self-hosted platform or just register for a free platform. 

However, by what it means by when you need to think about why you started, it does not mean that you need one goal, and if you don’t achieve that goal, it is over. You can create multiple, small goals that help you get there and be reasonable to yourself as well, no point in making an overwhelming goal. It will just stress you out and be an obstacle instead. 

Rather than creating one goal, for example, I will start a business that no one has created before, and in 3 months, I will be a millionaire. First of all, this goal is quite unrealistic because building a successful business is hard enough. Also, the timeline is 3 months, and there are all kinds of businesses out in the world already, and making a business that no one has started is extremely hard to find.  

If making one goal works for you, by all means, do the way you are doing right now. If not, you could create smaller goals that can be achievable and reasonable. Using the same example as above, these are the smaller but multiple goals. I will reflect on my experiences and interest first. Using this reflection, I can narrow down what kind of business will suit me and be easier to start. This will also narrow down on things to research, and you made significant progress. 

I also want to say that it does not need to be multiple goals or tiny goals but make it something you can achieve or reasonable. This leads to goals such as I just wanted to try what it feels like to start this, or I felt interested in it. You may see these reasons are pretty broad, but they are not completely bad goals. If you didn’t feel interested in what you started, you probably would not have started in the first place. 

When making such reasons, you could have another goal to support the previous goal. How would you know that you tried enough or confirm that this is still your interest? You could try adding a quantity or deadline, such as writing a 3000 words short story before writing a book. If you enjoyed and were able to finish in time, you may want to continue further. At the end of the day, you tried it and even possibly gained something from it, perhaps a new skill. 

When you have the purpose, stick to it and achieve them. While sometimes, it is helpful to compare yourself to another person, maybe someone who is already successful in what you are trying to do, sometimes it can discourage you. Everyone has their own pace, background and some people might argue that luck played the part as well. Therefore, focus on yourself and why you started what you chose, go at your own pace as everyone can be different.

Related Post: 10 Signs That You Enjoy What You Are Doing

3. Is This What You Really Want? Do Some Research, And It Can Help In Some Way

You may feel that you need real experiences to get stronger motivation and be more confident in determining if the choice you made is what you want. Real experiences often mean that you need to experience the thing you chose first-hand, and maybe some people will say this might be going over the board. Still, I think this even includes experiencing physically, mentally, and other aspects depending on individuals or what you choose. 

In reality, you may know that trying to somehow get an experience without yourself trying can be extremely difficult with all the obligations and situations you might have. To compensate for this experience you need, you can research the new thing you are trying to start. Depending on the thing you are starting, you may find what kind of information is more helpful and can help you find out if this is a really good fit for you to start or not.

What is meant by a good fit? You may have found out what you want to try through some influence, perhaps an aspiring dream or particular people, including what you heard from types of sources. However, what you chose may be totally different from what you imagined or how your life could be by doing this. 

You might have heard that not everything you hear or see is true. For instance, imagine you heard about a particular career pathway that would make you famous or rich and saw people in the industry who did it. There might be someone who started a business from their garage, but that person may have had a great garage or had a connection to the industry to break into the industry easier despite all the competition or problems that could exist for someone who doesn’t have the same resources.

Some things you may not know are that person’s background possibly, connection to people or industry, budget, and experiences they had. Living or work environment like how many opportunities you are trying to do are where you live or work. Maybe even luck, sometimes opportunities can present to the person and unique talent they had, although, some would argue that talent can be built which could be true and even how or what it took for that person reached to that place where they are now. 

Different sources that could be influencing you can leave out some crucial details and just show mesmerising results that draw in people. Therefore, it is vital that you confirm details to the best of your ability using the resources available to you when you are drawn to what you want to start by some influence. 

Researching and thinking about how much you want to do what you started can be empowering, which will help when starting a new thing. Although this may not be a real experience and still does not give you the okay to confirm this is what you want to do ultimately, it should provide some certainty if what you choose is really what you want. Also, by doing this, you have taken responsibility to decide that this was what you want to start and made a choice yourself by considering different things such as research, third-person experience, why you want to do this, and what made you want to start this. You will learn more and build more experience when you actually begin what you choose.

Read More: 7 Questions To Ask Yourself When Starting Something New

Tools That Can Be Helpful For Starting Something New

• Panda Planner Pro Daily Planner for Happiness & Productivity

• Journey to Self-Belief: 500 Confidence-Boosting Affirmations

• Inspirational Progress Spiral Notebook

However, these were just 3 general things I thought anyone starting or thinking of doing something new should think about, which would help you continue for longer or prepare you for what you want to use what you newly learnt in the future. 

Trying and starting something new can be quite difficult so by moving forward and successfully trying something new, you have already made a great accomplishment. Furthermore, while you work on what you have started, you are learning something new and building experience that could even create broader opportunities or finding answers to some questions you may had. 

Also remember, it is essential to have fun and enjoy, believe in yourself, and walk towards the goal if you make one.