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All You Need To Know About The Role Of Water In Skin Care

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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The role of water in skin care can be essential in improving your skin and helping you maintain your healthy skin.

Water can provide you with numerous benefits, including when you are trying to improve your skin. Also, the benefits can be diverse and unique depending on the situation you refer to that involves water use. For instance, you can be using water to cleanse your face or stay hydrated by drinking it. You could find different ways to explore water’s benefits to see what aligns with your needs and helps you achieve your goals. 

You might be surprised at how much your skin can benefit from efficiently utilising water. Being able to utilise effectively could change your game when trying to improve your skin with or without an extensive skincare routine. Water itself can help you achieve your goal of improving your skin in various ways. You can adjust how you use water for different effects. So, here are all you need to know about the role of water in skin care and how water can help you improve your skin. 

Using Water To Cleanse Your Skin

We use water for many different things, and one of the most often is to use water to cleanse your skin. Although it can sound quite simple, you might be surprised that there are ways to make cleansing your skin more helpful in improving your skin. For instance, it would be beneficial to use clean water when washing. Clean water can generally mean water that doesn’t cause you harm when you contact it. 

Also, it could be even more helpful to see if the water is pH balanced for your skin which usually means between pH of 4 to 6. Additionally, you could check if the water you have is soft as it can be more gentle on your skin, especially for the skin barriers that help protect your skin and keep moisture. Generally, soft water refers to the water with below 60 milligrams of minerals per litre, such as magnesium or calcium. If you are interested, check out here for the best ways to cleanse your skin.

The Effects Of Water Temperature  

You might have wondered if the temperature of the water can make a difference when cleansing your skin. Some of you may have found that they do through your experiences using different water temperatures when you were washing. The temperature of the water can matter and provide various benefits depending on the temperature. 

When cleansing your skin, often you may find when you use hot water that you feel like your skin is stripped off from natural oil by the dryness you feel after the wash. As a recommendation and safer option, it can be best for your skin to use lukewarm water when washing your skin. Using lukewarm water for cleansing can leave your skin balanced by leaving your skin clean while not stripping the skin off from natural oil and moisture. 

However, in some cases, you can use other water temperatures to cleanse your skin, including hotter temperatures depending on your needs and situations. Although it would be helpful to find out how long and often, it can be good for you to use water at that temperature. For instance, sometimes, you can use a hotter temperature of the water or even a hot wet towel to open up your pores for parts of your skin area before a blackhead treatment. You could be flexible with the water temperature to align with your needs by making good considerations and finding a safe amount or duration to use that water temperature.

Drinking-Water To Stay Hydrated 

Water is one of the things we need to live and for the body to function optimally, providing the body with numerous benefits. Drinking water is one of the quickest ways to supply your body with hydration which helps with your overall health and, in turn, benefits your skin. Although there may not be concrete evidence that drinking water and staying hydrated can improve your skin, drinking water helps overall body functions. 

For instance, drinking water and staying hydrated can help with your blood flow which could mean that nutrients can flow more efficiently throughout your body and to your cells leading you to be healthier. Furthermore, you can filter some harmful elements out of your body when you drink a good amount of water through your blood flow, circulating efficiently, which may help your skin to improve. As a recommendation, it can be best to drink between 2L to 2.6L for adults, and you may find that drinking cold to room temperature the water helps you be hydrated more quickly. Also, find out over here for more simple things you can do to improve your skin.

Steaming From Warm Water

Steams created from warm or hot water can be beneficial for your skin. In some way, you could say that a steaming effect is created when you take a warm shower or bath. Some benefits include opening up your pores to help you cleanse the impurities in deeper areas and making your skin more permeable, so your skincare products get absorbed better. Also, when your pores open up, it can help your skin release oil that has been trapped which causes blackheads and acne. Steaming can be great, preparing you for your skincare routine from an excellent cleansing to making your skincare products get absorbed better, but that’s not all. 

Steaming can generally help you improve your skin by enhancing circulation and boosting your blood flow, supporting your skin to be nourished. Additionally, the boost in blood flow can promote the production of collagen, elastin, and oil production, so your skin looks firmer and stays glowing and hydrated. One of the great things about steaming is that it can be accessible and affordable to do almost anywhere. Although there are more methods of steaming your face, one way can be wringing a towel to be damp by soaking it in hot water and placing it on your face, relaxing for around 5 minutes. If you are interested in more ways to improve your skin, check here for do’s and don’ts for improving your skin.

Taking A Bath

Another way the role of water in skin care comes can be when you have a bath which can provide your skin with various benefits, including the steaming effect depending on the bath you prepared. After all, there is a type of bath called steam bath involving water being heated to create steam to provide some steaming benefits. Additionally, the benefits of taking a bath can be both direct and indirect for the skin.

For instance, mental health can affect your skin, such as if you get stressed and your stress hormones are released increasingly, promoting a boost in oil production. Excessive oil production can clog your pores and even lead to acne breakouts. Therefore, taking a bath and getting some time to relax can help you increase your chance of maintaining a balanced skin. 

Furthermore, taking a bath can help you get better sleep. Getting good sleep can help your skin get the utmost support because many processes happen when we sleep, such as skin repair, blood flow increase, and collagen rebuilding. Depending on the temperature of water you use for the bath, they can provide different benefits, but if you are exploring baths and their effects, it would be good to start with warm baths. Generally, warm baths are recommended because they can be most balanced while providing similar benefits to hot or cold baths and more. You can also check out here for tips on preparing for the best bath.

Combining Water With Other Ingredients

The role of water in skin care can be pretty flexible and have multiple utile uses. Although water provides numerous benefits for the skin, you can explore more ways to use water with ingredients and techniques to enhance the benefits. After all, water can be one of the safest substances and compatible with diverse ingredients, mixing or combining pretty easily. Also, you can alter the water temperature to suit your needs without much problem compared to other substances. There are a few ways you can mix water with other ingredients and substances for boosted benefits, depending on your needs. 

• Drinking Infused Water  

Drinking the daily recommended amount of water which would be 2.6L for adult men and 2L for adult women, is essential. Although there isn’t concrete research on how drinking water affects your skin, staying hydrated is crucial for your overall health. When you stay hydrated, your body can function more optimally, which could influence maintaining your healthy skin. 

However, to make it even better, you can add various ingredients or substances for extra benefits, such as reducing inflammation and improving blood circulation. There are numerous and multiple ingredients with their benefits to suit different needs, so you can explore what works for you. 

For instance, you can add lemon slices or juice when you drink water to add vitamin C elements, promoting collagen and supporting your skin to look younger. Additionally, increasing collagen can help slow down the signs of ageing, such as wrinkles and fine lines from developing. 

Another wonderful ingredient you can explore would be basil which helps with inflammation and even works to protect your skin from damage. Infuse some basil next time you drink water for these benefits. Also, you can explore other fruits, herbs, and ingredients, not limited to what was shared that can be mixed or added to water for extra benefits. 

• Cleansing With Infused Water 

As water can be mixed easier with other ingredients compared to other substances, it is pretty great to be used for creating infused water for taking a bath and even steaming. Similarly, with infusing water for drinking, numerous fruits, plants, and other ingredients can be explored for their benefits, depending on your needs.

Generally, for taking a bath, you can add mixed ingredients if the item you use as the base may be strong for your skin to be used alone. For instance, lavender oil can be great for improving your sleep on top of the benefits of taking a bath. Still, it is recommended for essential oils to be diluted with appropriate ingredients. Before adding it to the bath water, you can mix a few drops of lavender oil, starting with 4 to 6 drops to ingredients such as milk or honey. Lavender oil not only helps you get better sleep but it supports you in reducing your stress. Reducing stress and getting good sleep can help you maintain your healthy skin. 

For steaming, you can use a similar method for regular steaming where you wring the towel damp by soaking it in the water you prepared. You can add dry chamomile to the water and let it infuse before soaking your towel. Chamomile can be quite gentle for all skin types and helps with inflammation. Likewise, with infusing water for drinking, there are various ingredients with numerous benefits you can use, whether it is for a bath or steam. 

Learning about how you can utilise your use of water can be helpful for you when trying to improve your skin and even overall health, which can also benefit your skin. After all, the role of water in skin care can be vital for improving your skin and providing other multiple benefits. Water is generally used in many ways by our body and can be required to help us stay healthy. Although, there may not be enough concrete evidence that water directly plays a role in improving the skin’s hydration. 

It can certainly play a role in keeping your body function optimal, which may impact your skin health and when you try to keep your skin clean by cleansing it effectively. Water can be great for providing benefits that could help you with goals through the various ways to use water and the option to adjust things such as temperature depending on your needs. Furthermore, water can be safer to explore than other chemicals by considering careful ways to use them and trying to find the safe levels of adjustment you can make when using water.