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The 9 Fears That Are Roadblocks To Your Success

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Knowing about fears that are roadblocks to your success can help you find ways to overcome them better. 

Your road to success can be filled with many obstacles and challenges that you may need to overcome. Few of those obstacles could be the fears that are roadblocks to your success and can come in numerous forms. They can be self-created and formed from experiences or what you heard somewhere. The fears can affect you in multiple ways, such as sabotaging, making you unmotivated, or stopping you from going further. Despite that, at times, going out of your comfort zone and overcoming your fears can do wonders for you, even helping you become closer to your success. 

After all, when you are working towards the road to success, it can be a natural thing for you to have all kinds of fear, and they could be part of the process of achieving your goals. However, the important thing would be approaching those fears and what you do with them. Also, there would be multiple ways you can overcome or choose to face them. The first thing you can do would be to find out more about the fears that you could be facing or trying to overcome and even embrace them. So, here are the 9 fears that are roadblocks to your success that you may face during the journey. 

Fear Of Failure  

Everyone can fear failing something during their lifetime and not putting you off, but the chances are that you have failed at something in the past. Failure can sound very bad, but it probably wasn’t as bad as it sounded in many cases. They could have been small or big, but the vital thing would have been how you managed them and learnt from those failures. For instance, you could have cooked your first meal, and they were burnt or went to an interview for your dream job, but it didn’t go as planned. 

Consider what those experiences you failed in something have given you and what you learnt from them. Maybe, you can cook a delicious meal and have a blast at your dream job. Failures can help lead you to success and be viewed from various perspectives. They can be seen as a bad experience, lesson, and even stepping stone for what you are about to achieve. You could be living a luxury lifestyle by being in a position where you can try different things and having time to explore, find out for more.

Fear Of Imposter 

As you walk towards your goals and success, you could question yourself if you deserve this road to success. Fear of imposter can make you feel like you are a fraud and relates to how you question yourself, being doubtful of your abilities. Additionally, you could feel difficulty accepting the success and achievements you are accomplishing. Suppose you are achieving various goals, but slowly you find yourself in difficult situations, and it can lead you to begin questioning yourself. 

It can be okay to question yourself sometimes and feel doubt or challenge accepting what you have accomplished. However, fear of imposter can happen through the reinforcements of self-doubting and feeling like you haven’t achieved the work you are doing. It can be helpful to take a moment to reflect on the journey you have been walking and learning you did to be on this success pathway. The chances are that you have learnt something or built up new experiences of some kind, no matter how small or big, to stay on the path. 

Fear Of Unknown 

Starting something new can be daunting and challenging, especially when driving towards it without knowing the clear outcome. The fear of the unknown, also known as fear of uncertainty, basically relates to how you become roadblocked by what you are unsure of and need to do something new. However, the road to success can be filled with all kinds of things, and you will likely be in situations where you have to do or accomplish what you haven’t done before. Also, having to do what you haven’t and making accomplishments to achieve your success can make you feel out of your comfort zone. You can check out over here to learn what you need to know when starting something new.

A comfort zone can be what you have been doing with experience and where you feel at ease. It can be daunting and pressuring, but getting out of your comfort zone may be what you need to achieve success. After all, you could be limiting yourself when you can be accomplishing great things when you stay in your comfort zone. Try to take small steps and see the effects. Whether the impact was minor and you learnt little, give credit to yourself for getting out of your comfort zone. You may be surprised about the results of taking the courage to tackle the unknown and gradually start to take more significant steps and get closer to your success. 

Fear Of Change 

When you go through the journey to success, you may find yourself in a position where you need to make changes to overcome obstacles or make accomplishments. However, some people could be roadblocked by fear of change which is one of the common types of fears during their journey. It can be natural for change to happen at times, such as if a traditional method doesn’t work in a situation. Furthermore, thinking about how change can impact you before that stage comes could be a more significant obstacle than you may think. 

Although some people may enjoy changes, others can find change challenging, which is normal. However, the crucial thing can be to accept the changes that may have to happen and take the courage to see them through. After all, changes can take you to a different way of doing things than what you have been doing and may take some time for results to come, or you get used to it. You might be surprised at how specific changes can help you greatly achieve your success and bring you much better results.

Fear Of Rejection 

When you start a journey to success, whether you are starting a new business or trying something new, you can get judged, and people may disapprove. Suppose you are creating an innovative product for your new business. It would be challenging to get people to support and be accepting. After all, innovative and new starters can be unknown to people and be novel ideas that can make it harder for others to understand. As you continue walking the road you chose, you may feel unmotivated if people are not supportive or show acceptance. 

However, the vital thing can be understanding how much you believe in yourself. Furthermore, considering why you started on this in the first place. When you become more known, and people start to understand or find out about you, they can give you their support and even get involved. Starting something new, especially things that are novel to people, can be challenging, but you may find that these are what you need to achieve what you want and help you breakthrough to success. If you are interested, check out here to see how you can stay motivated so you can continue doing what you want.

Fear Of Losing Control 

Fear of losing control can be slightly varying compared to more common fear like the fear of change. Although some things may be better if you are in control, such as your plans for the day but at times, other things can be outside of your control which could be helpful in some cases. For instance, something could not have worked out as planned or hoped, but you may have learnt something new and even broadened your experience. 

Depending on what kind of situation you are in and what works for you or meets your needs, this fear of losing control could be unnecessary but even helpful. Sometimes, things can work out when you are more natural and not overly controlling. Therefore, be open to going with the flow and adapting to situations that weren’t part of your plan. You might be surprised at what can happen when you let things happen sometimes and work with changes.

Fear Of Past 

You may have regrets and bad experiences from the past, which certain things can trigger or that come up from time to time. Fear of the past can relate to how you get affected by the negative experiences in the past. Also, negative emotions that you feel from past regrets or sadness from the past. Everyone likely had some regrets or bad experiences from somewhere or what they did in the past. Going towards success can be filled with many obstacles. Fear of the past could impact you, particularly when things are not working and if you had past experiences of struggling when obstacles were present.

Although you learn things from the past and mistakes, it can be essential to regulate how much impact you get from those negative experiences and manage the regrets or stresses from the past. You may find self-reflecting or self-encouraging helpful when you feel that negative emotions are impacting you. Additionally, keeping yourself occupied in a healthy way, such as exercising or finding a hobby, can be helpful when you start to think about previous bad experiences or regrets. After all, it can be crucial to give yourself credit and keep a good well-being system. Furthermore, remembering the importance of the present and the past as a learning experience can be helpful. Also, check out here for more ways to boost your positivity every day.

Fear Of Missing Out 

You can feel overwhelmed when you start your journey to success and get distracted by things around you. Suppose you hear about a significant market somewhere, but you were already started selling to a particular target group. You may feel that you are missing out on the other opportunity and become distracted away from your initial goal. You could think that you are out of place and being somewhere else or doing another more attractive thing. 

If you are being affected by fear of missing out and getting distracted, you could lose sight of your goal and have difficulty walking towards your success. Therefore, it can be crucial for you to motivate and focus yourself, keeping yourself on the path you have chosen when you feel that you are getting distracted. After all, trying to do everything or whenever something looks more attractive can be extremely difficult and would take a lot of time out of your hand, likely leading you to complete things in lower quality or not getting the whole experience. 

Fear Of Success

You could have felt that sometimes when you are close to accomplishing an amazing achievement, you find yourself wondering if you should continue. Fear of success can be an interesting one. When you look at it first hand, you may think, how can you fear being successful. However, it can be pretty common at some stage, particularly when you are close to achieving your success. Imagine you are starting to be known by many people for your work. You can begin to feel fear of success due to the changes that would happen, such as how more people are starting to be aware of you. 

Fear of success can relate to how your situation can change through your success. For instance, when you become successful at something, the most likely cause is that your life would change whether people gather around you or become more prosperous. You can get anxious and find yourself in a position where you are unsure what going forward would look like. You can even sabotage yourself to stop yourself from being successful, which could mean staying in your comfort zone but not achieving your goals. Try to encourage yourself that you are ready for what is to come and prepared for the challenges or changes ahead. After all, success is a beautiful thing, and you should congratulate yourself for achieving something challenging to do. 

These fears that are roadblocks to your success can come to you pretty commonly and be more challenging to overcome as they become prolonged. When you think that you are being affected by the concern that are roadblocks to your success, try to tackle them by what can help you overcome them. You can explore various options like self-reflection, encouraging yourself, and becoming focused on the present. Also, importantly remember to take care of yourself and your well-being. It is okay to take breaks sometimes and take things slow as long as you planned or don’t give up and continue to work on your journey of success.