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The 8 Do’s And Don’ts To Improve Your Skin

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Taking care of your skin can be a journey to learn about the do’s and don’ts to improve your skin. 

Going on a journey to take care of your skin can be filled with excitement and hesitance. Many benefits come from taking care of your skin, but as you continue your journey, you can face challenges to overcome and choices you need to make. However, through your experience of the challenges and making choices, you can also learn more about how you could take care of your skin better, including the do’s and don’ts to improve your skin. You may find it surprising at some things you end up learning and can also see that a trivial-looking matter could be affecting your skin. 

Furthermore, realise how you might start to create your list of the do’s and don’ts to improve your skin yourself from what you experienced. You may find better and worse ways to do things even though you thought you had recorded what you needed to know, as things can change, and new things or ways can emerge. So, it would be helpful if you continue to explore and find what products or ways align with you during your journey to improve your skin. You can start from these lists of the do’s and don’ts to improve your skin. 

The Don’ts 

Don’t Use More When You Don’t Need More

Sometimes, using or having less of something can be better than using or having more in various situations. You could consider this as not using more when you don’t need more statement which can be approached in few ways when it comes to how this can improve your skin. For instance, one way to interpret this can be about skincare products. 

It might depend on how sensitive your skin is to skincare products, especially some ingredients. You could find that using fewer skincare products or those with fewer ingredients may improve your skin. After all, you might be surprised, but you could be putting over 100 ingredients or chemicals on your face every day, varying by what skincare products you are using. Constantly using skincare products with a long list of ingredients can negatively affect your skin, particularly as your skin might not be getting breaks from them when it needs them. If you are interested in finding out more ways to improve your skin without the use of skincare products, you can check them out over here.

Additionally, don’t use more when you don’t need more could relate to your skincare routine. You could have a 7 steps skincare routine day and night daily, but you might not need some of the steps or even some skincare products. This can depend on various factors such as the environment of your living area, like if it is hot or humid, or even your skin type and sensitivity. Suppose your skin is quite dry. You could be double cleansing both day and night. This could be contributing to your dry skin as you may be stripping your skin off the natural oil and moisture. You can even decide to wash your face with only lukewarm water from time to time if you feel using a cleanser has made your skin feel dry.

Don’t Touch Your Face Often 

If you touch your face often, it could be best to reduce the amount you do that and even stop if possible. You use your hands for so many things daily, and your hands could be exposed or have all kinds of things, some that are not visible to your eyes. For instance, consider how often you touch your phone and where you place your phone every day. Unless you might be disinfecting your phone daily, who knows what your phone could be exposed to or have from the everywhere it went. 

Therefore, not touching your face often can impact improving your skin. It would help you keep your skin healthy by keeping it clean and protected from impurities, bacteria, and pollutants. If you really can’t keep your hands off your face, try to wash your hands more often so you can at least keep your hands clean as possible. 

Don’t Exfoliate Every Single Day 

It can be helpful for your skin to exfoliate things that may be causing your skin to be clogged, preventing your skin from being healthy and at its best such as dead skin and dust, but this could be different if you are exfoliating every single day which may be more than you need. The number of how often you exfoliate can depend on a few things, such as if you use makeup and how often your skin builds up dead skin cells and gets exposed to dust or pollutants.

However, even if you might be in an environment where you get exposed to impurities and feel that you build dead skin cells more often, extolling every single day can be harsh on your skin. Generally, as a recommendation, it can be between 1 to 2 times per week, perhaps a maximum of 3 times if you need it, and usually at night to exfoliate more safely without stripping your skin or damaging your skin. 

Don’t Use Products That Are Not Suitable For The Face 

You can be in numerous situations, and one of them could be when you don’t have appropriate skincare products. Suppose you were in this situation. Consider if you ever used shower products such as soap, shower gel, or shampoo as an alternative to face cleanser and washed your face with them. You might have found that some of them did work in cleansing your skin and even felt extra clean without much oil or none. 

However, the products made for other parts of the body, including hair, can be unsuitable for the face. This can be due to a few factors, such as the pH level of products might not be suitable, and ingredients in the products could be harsh for the face. Using these products can cause damage to your face skin depending on the products you used and some ingredients in them. Therefore, it would be best not to use products that are not suitable for the face even when you don’t have an appropriate skincare product. 

The Do’s 

Do Continue Learning 

Improving your skin and even maintaining good skin can be like going on a journey. A journey could be filled with unexpected situations and outcomes at times, including skincare. There could be many skin care products you can try and even new ingredients that may be used to formulate the products. Additionally, as you go through the skincare journey, you may find that circumstances can change, such as your skin reaction to the products you have been using and skin type due to the products you might use or other factors like environment. Also, if you are interested to learn about more about the different skin types and how you can find yours, check out over here.

Therefore, it would be helpful to continue learning and staying up to date with new and even products or ingredients being used. Constant research may find further information about them, which could be beneficial or aversive. Furthermore, it could be helpful to explore other skincare products and ingredients rather than sticking to the same skincare product routines or even slowly change skincare products to see if there are more positive results than prior ones. For more ways to improve your skin, find out here about 7 simple things that you can do to improve your skin further.

Do Get A Good Sleep  

Getting good sleep can be one of the crucial ways that affect your skin condition. Generally, what it means to get good sleep refers to recommended time of between 7 to 9 hours every day. You could say that sleeping is like a state where you are recovering from possible damage, recharging energy, being replenished with molecules like proteins or hormones, and even getting cleaner by getting rid of toxic wastes. These processes can benefit your skin by improving it and maintaining good skin.

Furthermore, during sleep, your blood flow gets boosted, which assists with helpful substances such as nutrients and water to nourish your skin leading you to glowing and healthy skin. Additionally, to support you in getting good sleep and even help your skin, you could even go further by sleeping in a clean environment. Sleeping in a clean environment can be that you can keep your skin clean, therefore, helping and even protecting your skin from harmful impurities such as dust and bacteria to stay healthy during your sleep. If you are interesting in learning more ways to get better sleep, you can check out over here.

Do Use A Sunscreen  

There might be different factors that could damage the skin around you. The UV lights from the sun could be one of the most common and easiest ones to get exposed to daily, which can damage your skin. Although at a glance or from a feeling, you may feel the warmth nicely and get some Vitamin D, which could be beneficial from getting exposed to the sun. Long exposure to it can damage your skin, particularly without any protection. 

Therefore, it would be a great help for your skin, and if you aim to improve your skin, use sunscreen or at least other products that contain SPF during the day, generally, that have between 30 to 50 SPF for good protection against the sun. Without protection against the intense sunlight and heat, your skin can get dry and even cause you to develop wrinkles or dark spots. Furthermore, if possible, you may find applying more than once during the day, a couple of hours or 2 hours after the previous application, helpful in protecting your skin from the sun. Also, it might be beneficial to know that sunlight can go through the clouds to your skin even on cloudy days, so it can be best to apply SPF.

Read More: Everything To Know About Sunscreen

Do Have A Healthy Diet 

Your diet can impact what nutrients you get and the health of your body. You might wonder how your body health could relate to your skin condition and improve your skin. The nutrients and substances you have and intake can impact your skin condition. For instance, staying hydrated by drinking water can improve your blood flow so that your body needs, such as oxygen and nutrients, are circulated to where they need to go, including your skin. Therefore, your skin would benefit from how you stayed hydrated through drinking water.

Furthermore, your food intake can also influence your skin condition. Suppose you consume a lot of food that contains antioxidants and is considered healthy, including vegetables or fruits and fish, which gives you omega 3. Your body can be getting a significant number of beneficial nutrients that would be helpful for your body to stay optimal, leading to your skin getting the benefits from the positive choices you have made.

Improving your skin can be a journey that comprises exploring and continuously learning. During your journey, you could learn the do’s and don’ts to improve your skin, including those that may not have been mentioned here. However, this list of 8 do’s and don’ts to improve your skin can all be relevant if you aim to improve your skin and maintain good skin even after meeting your goal. 

Furthermore, knowing some do’s and don’ts can help you find out the base for how you should take notes or base to consider if you discover more that may work for you in improving your skin. Therefore, as with one of the do’s that refer to continuing learning, you can explore and experience what you can in your skincare journey to continuously find new ways to improve your skin. You can even decide to stay up to date with possible new ingredients, skincare products, and what you may know already, which further information could have been found through more research conducted on it.