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The 5-Minute Habit Hack That Can Change Your Life

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Have you ever wondered how you could form new habits? What if there was something for that, like the 5-minute habit hack that can change your life.

You might have thought that building a new habit is pretty complicated and requires a long time investment but what if there was a simple technique to help you? It doesn’t always need to be challenging and needs a long time investment to form habits. However, using an efficient way to build them, such as the 5-minute habit hack that can change your life. With so many disruptions and ways to lose focus, finding ways to help you stay in control as much as possible can be essential. 

One of the ways to be productive or support yourself to do what you want is by forming positive habits. For instance, the 5-minute habit hack that can change your life, whether you want to go exercise or wake up on time every morning. You may be surprised at how taking only 5 minutes of your time daily can lead you to build new habits and improve your lifestyle. After all, having good habits often allow you to do what you want while opening more opportunities or time to do other things you may need to complete.

What Could You Consider As Habits?

In simple terms, habits can be things you do, actions and even what you believe. Often, they involve you in behaving and take actions automatically or if a cue triggers you. Habits can influence you to take action and think in a certain way, whether they are small or more significant tasks. For instance, brushing your teeth before bed and putting on sunscreen after cleansing your face every morning. You might be surprised how many things you perform daily can be considered habits. Also, although it would be wonderful if habits were always limited to positive behaviours, unfortunately, that is not the case, and it is possible to make bad habits.

However, this could be one reason that makes it more important to work towards building positive habits. Bad habits can be one thing. If you build positive habits, you can improve your lifestyle and even open up more time or opportunities to do what you want. After all, you could build productive habits to combat procrastination better which can be self-sabotaging and a roadblock to success. One simple way to build habits can be the 5-minute habit hack that can change your life. 

How Does The 5-Minute Habit Hack Work? 

You could say the 5-minute habit hack that can change your life works as it sounds to simplify. It is an act that kind of works to trick yourself or, more specifically, your brain. You feel less pressured when you choose to do something for 5 minutes. Often when you need to complete a complex task, you think about how challenging it would be, and the time it would take to finish them. 

However, when you use the 5-minute habit technique. You see and think about the challenge from a different perspective especially reducing the time you need to do it and choosing to quit after 5-minute passes. You may be surprised at how short the amount of time it can take your mind to persuade you not to do what you are going to do.

The 5-minute habit hack can help you complete short-term tasks and build new habits if you do the action or behaviour for long enough. When you do something for 5 minutes, you continue for longer, often as you become absorbed in what you are doing instead of procrastinating or losing motivation. On the other hand, even if you decided not to continue, you went past a significant obstacle which usually is to start.  

What To Note When Using The 5 Minute Habit Hack

So, you might be wondering if some things could help you better use the 5-minute habit hack that can change your life. 

• Be Consistent In Committing 5 Minute Daily

If you are trying to create a task to be more of a habit, it can be essential that you be consistent with committing 5 minutes daily to the activity. For instance, if you say you will say positive affirmations to yourself before you sleep, you should do this daily and commit 5 minutes to the activity. As you continue, doing it can become easier and more natural. Also, you could start to spend more of your time doing the task than 5 minutes. 

• Make Your 5-Minute Habit Measurable 

Sometimes, making your tasks measurable is helpful, and this doesn’t need to be using a complicated system. It could be as simple as putting a mark on your calendar each time you do your chosen action, like going for a run before breakfast. Doing so can also help you more easily follow your progress. 

• Don’t Overcommit In Attempt To Make Habits  

Although 5 minutes sounds short, you could find it daunting when you overcommit to the number of tasks you are trying to do in a day. As you do actions and tasks for 5 minutes, you could find that you end up going overtime with them. So, leaving enough space to account for doing the tasks for longer is crucial if you get absorbed by what you are doing. Find the pace that works for you, and sometimes, it can be helpful to do less and get a better result than over-commit to feel stressed and make things difficult.

Read More: 10 Five-Minute Habits That Can Help You Lead A Healthier Lifestyle

Changing and forming new habits doesn’t always need to take long and be complicated. Using techniques like the 5-minute habit hack that can change your life can simplify the process that is often thought to be complex. Also, what’s more, the 5-minute habit rule works for generally or almost everything, whether they are simple tasks or more complicated ones. The key catch is aiming to commit 5 minutes of your time daily, and you may be surprised at how you get absorbed in the task. As you go along, the 5 minutes can turn to 10 or 15 minutes and become more natural, creating positive momentum for things you are doing. Building positive habits can lead to a healthy lifestyle and help you do what you want more productively.