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5 Simple Healthier Alternatives To Common Snacks And Beverages

by Mikey Lee   ·  1 year ago  
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If you have been thinking about things that you could do to lead a more healthy lifestyle. You might be interested to know about these simple healthier alternatives to common snacks and beverages.

When it comes to considering ways to improve and lead a healthier lifestyle, you might be thinking about significant and complicated changes that would help. Often, in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, many people have thoughts of reassessing their diet which could give a feeling of overwhelmingness and seem difficult. However, there are easier ways to gradually go towards a more healthy diet, like trying these simple healthier alternatives to common snacks and beverages. Aiming to live a healthy life doesn’t always need to mean making changes that are considered major and have immediate impacts. 

Sometimes, small things could be as important and contribute to improving your lifestyle. For instance, healthy eating doesn’t involve removing snacks and beverages in your life, but you could benefit from trying various diet choices. Simple healthier alternatives to common snacks and beverages can benefit overall well-being. These may include more stable sugar blood levels and a reduced calorie intake, even leading to a lower risk of various diseases.

1. Dry Fruits/Dark Chocolate As Alternatives To Sweets

Some simple healthier alternatives to common snacks and beverages would be dry fruits and dark chocolate instead of sweets. Although, as with many other consumables, having sweets occasionally is not always bad. However, eating them too frequently could increase your chance of developing and being affected by conditions or diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Dry fruits can be an attractive and healthier option when you crave something sugary but want to cut down on sweets. You could try numerous different types of dry fruits like mangoes, apricots, apples and strawberries. Many of them contain more nutrition than sweets while still being a strong source of sweetness. 

Another healthier substitute for sweets may be dark chocolate, depending on your preference which has various nutrient benefits. They can be a rich source of antioxidants and help maintain healthy skin, such as reducing the rate of developing ageing signs. If you feel creative, you could also dip nuts or fruits like strawberries and raisins into the dark chocolate.

2. Popcorn/Vegetable Sticks As Alternatives To Chips

If you are a frequent snacker and often choose chips as the snack option, popcorn and vegetable sticks are worth a try as healthier alternatives. Popcorn is considered to be high in fibre and low in calories, which could help with weight loss, controlling blood sugar and lowering cholesterol levels. Also, they are known to be whole grains that contain various beneficial nutrients that may reduce the risk of health issues like heart disease and diabetes.

Alternatively, another great snack substitution instead of chips could be vegetable sticks. You could be flexible with your choices for vegetable sticks, such as carrots, celeries, capsicums and cucumbers. Depending on the preferences of vegetables, you can get several flavours and vital nutrients that help your overall well-being, not to mention increasing your vegetable intake. If you prefer having a dip to go with the vegetable sticks, you may find hummus and other healthy choices ideal.

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3. Kombucha/Sparkling Water As Alternatives To Soft Drinks

Many soft and soda drinks may contain chemicals, artificial flavours and colours, not to mention high sugar levels, which could be unhealthy for your overall well-being. They might contribute to developing conditions and diseases like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and sugar levels. If you tend to drink soda or soft drinks frequently, give yourself a chance to try kombucha or sparkling water.

There are multiple kombucha flavours you could try depending on your preference, and they are considered to have numerous benefits for the body, making them a good alternative to soft drinks. Kombucha is a rich source of probiotics and contains low sugar levels. It can be helpful with boosting your immunity system, improving digestion and providing detoxification of toxins. 

Sparkling water is another simple healthier substitution for soft drinks. Generally, sparkling water tends to have none to meagre calories, so it can be great for those who enjoy the fizzy drink without the added sugar or calories. However, you could choose to drink infused sparkling water or add some fruits to the sparkling water for some extra sweetness. 

4. Tea/Coffee As Alternatives To Energy Drinks

Sometimes extra energy boost helps people go through the day, but that doesn’t mean energy drinks are the only choice. You may find tea or coffee helpful if you regularly drink energy drinks. Although energy drinks can boost your focus, these drinks often contain large amounts of chemicals, stimulations and high sugar levels. Excessive drinking of energy drinks may cause unwanted health concerns like kidney and heart problems. 

On the other hand, although you may still need to be aware of the coffee and tea you consume, they can help provide power boosts for the day. Furthermore, there may be other benefits depending on what you consume, particularly with teas, as there are varieties such as oolong and black tea. Also, green tea is known to be one of the top foods for healthy skin. It is also rich in antioxidants helping with weight loss and reducing risks of various diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

5. Red/White Wine As Alternatives To Beer

Although it might be more helpful to reduce the amount of alcohol intake or possibly avoid it if possible, some people may wonder about some options. Generally, red wines are preferable as a good alternative, or occasional white wine can be an option, particularly if you tend to drink beers regularly. Either way, they are recommended to be drunk moderately as alcohol could cause health issues like dehydration, hangovers, liver damage, heart problem, obesity and kidney disease. 

Beers are considered to surpass many other alcohols in terms of calories. Red or white wines, if drank moderately, have been known to have few potential benefits for health. Some of these may include support with weight loss, promoting good cholesterol and regulating blood sugar levels. Also, they are thought to be rich in antioxidants which could help reduce the risks of metabolic diseases and high blood pressure. 

However, if you are wondering about begin drinking wine when you usually don’t partake in alcoholic beverages for your health. It may be better to explore other options. For instance, eating a healthy diet richer in whole foods, fish, vegetables, and fruits could provide similar or the same health benefits as consuming a daily glass of wine.

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You may contribute to your health goal by making healthier substitutions for many snacks and beverages. These were only some simple healthier alternatives to common snacks and beverages that could be helpful. Choosing healthier alternatives to items with poor nutrient values and high calories can help improve your overall well-being. It is crucial to still think about the servings and your needs. 

However, the small changes you make, like choosing healthier snacks and beverage alternatives, are one of the ways to support you in meeting your cravings more healthily. Although, you can still do various other things, or perhaps you could be doing some already. For instance, reduce alcohol consumption or try to avoid them if possible and have a healthier diet rich in fish, vegetables and fruits. For now, try out some simple healthier alternatives to common snacks and beverages, as it still helps significantly with your health.