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10 Signs That You Enjoy What You Are Doing

by Mikey Lee   ·  3 years ago  
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Have you been wondering if you need to make a change? Consider these signs that you enjoy what you are doing to see things you should continue for longer and perhaps, think about change for others.

You could have been wondering if you have been if you need to change things you have been doing, whether they are hobbies, work, or studying. One of the ways that could help you think about things to continue for longer and perhaps, consider others for change is to look for signs that you enjoy what you are doing. After all, you may not have taken time to reflect on what would be good in helping you to find your positions in the many things you do. For instance, some things you do would be fruitful as you spend more time but are challenging initially, which may influence your views. 

Therefore, taking time to think about signs that you enjoy what you are doing could help reaffirm if you should continue moving forward. Often when you do things you like and enjoy, it is easier to continue them for longer and produce more positive results since you can feel stronger motivation for them. However, when you change or leave what you are currently doing, it can be good to do it in a way that leaves room for less repercussion. Also, distinguishing what you enjoy and feel challenges could help you either focus more to get better or need to allocate more time in moving forward at either activity. 

1. What You Are Doing Feels More Natural  

When you do something, whether studying, working, or engaging with your hobbies, you can be distracted and feel like you struggle to maintain concentration. One of the signs that you enjoy what you are doing is if you find it easier to stay focused and keep your attention for longer. Generally, you will find what you are doing feels more natural and attracted to them. However, you might struggle more in deciding which tasks to start first rather than have the challenge of completing things. 

So, you could find a method that works for you to stay organised to finish things instead of attempting to do everything at once from the excitement. For instance, you can create a routine to do certain tasks first or a to-do list to keep track of things to complete in the order you create. After all, it is often essential to make progress on your actions to keep the momentum and continue for longer. 

2. You Look Forward To What You Are Doing Next

A constant appetite for looking forward to the next thing you are doing is one of the signs that you enjoy what you are doing. You may have wondered from time to time when you did things that you hope you don’t do something again. However, when you do things you enjoy, you often think about how you hope to do it again instead. Usually, no matter how much time you spend on the things you are doing, your excitement does sway, but you want more and are eager to see what to do next.

You would continue to explore what things to do even when you have been at them for a long time and covered large areas. For instance, if you enjoy studying, you would learn one topic and go on to the next topic. You have a large appetite to continue what you are doing and find it easier to move forward and discover more.

Looking forward to what you are doing next can empower you to continue for longer and get curious to explore more things you could do than now.  

3. You Don’t Realise Time Passing While Doing It 

You can be in a space where you have fewer worries and think about what you are doing at that moment. It is like a small world you are in and even your sense of time is not clear when you are doing things you enjoy. You could be enjoying a hobby such as fishing, waiting for a bite at the vast sea, and don’t realise the time is passing. However, you may be in a flow where you feel like you are alone and at peace. 

When you do things you enjoy and come to sense after being immersed in the activity, you will realise how much time has passed. Often, you feel like time passed more quickly and that you didn’t have enough when you did things you enjoyed. Being in space for yourself can feel great, and your focus is strong that you don’t even realise time is passing. You might find difficulty balancing what you enjoy doing and other obligations due to the overpowering feeling of re-entering that space. If you are interested in knowing ways to manage time more efficiently, find out here.

4. You Feel Satisfied And Value From What You Do

You might be doing various great things, but often, you can feel value when you do something you enjoy. Generally, when you think about the value of things you do, it can lead to satisfaction with the overall aspects of what you are doing. For instance, there are numerous processes to growing a plant. Whether it includes gathering seeds, preparing a suitable environment, and waiting time, you would find value in doing them. 

After all, it can be essential to feeling value and satisfaction from the things as they are signs that you enjoy what you are doing. If you don’t feel value and satisfaction, you could quickly lose interest in the things you do. However, sometimes you may find that some aspects you might not like even though you like doing something, but they can help you explore other areas that involve elements you took an interest in. Also, you could say doing what you enjoy is one of the ways to live a luxury lifestyle.

Signs that you enjoy what you are doing don’t always need to come from doing it but in other ways. You can find enjoyment in discussing it and interacting with what you enjoy, such as watching a video or reading about them. Frequently, when people engage with things they enjoy, they get empowered and boost energy, even if it involves only talking about it. 

For instance, if you enjoy playing sports often, you could feel energised watching it at a stadium and discussing it with others about them. Sometimes, you might face a problem because you can’t stop talking about it. You become someone who wants to let others know how strong your passion is for what you do. 

6. You Are Excited For The Start Of A New Day

There are numerous ways to start your day. You could begin by thinking if it will be another repeated day, feeling tired or excited. Although everyone can have days for rest, you wouldn’t feel negative for a prolonged number of days. If you feel tired, unmotivated, and consider the day continuously repeated, you might consider changing a few things. When you do something you enjoy, you are often excited for the new morning and the next day to come when you are going to sleep. 

Additionally, being more ready and motivated to do things even if some of the work may be challenging. You might feel that finding time to rest is a problem when you do something you enjoy, but it will be vital to balance what you are doing and having breaks. After all, not taking breaks can lead you to burnout even if you have been doing things you enjoy. The chances are you want to do what you enjoy until you decide to change or go further rather than getting burnout and being influenced to lose interest quicker. 

7. You Don’t Feel The Urge To Complain 

When you are doing things you enjoy, you tend to have less urge to complain about them. Usually, all kinds of complaints could arise when you are doing something you don’t prefer, which might be signs that you need a change or another approach. The complaints can be things that make what you are doing negative, like you have to do it for the sake of finishing it. 

Also, the complaints could be attempts to push what you need to do back or not doing it, such as it is far away or you can do it later. This doesn’t mean that you will not have any complaints when you do things you enjoy. However, the signs that you enjoy what you are doing would be having few complaints and not consistently. 

8. Your Motivation Get Stronger As You Do It

Motivation can be important for a broad range of things we do, and this is the case when you are doing something you enjoy. More often, when you do things you enjoy, your motivation and passion for them grow as you go further into the journey and explore new ways to engage them. For instance, if you enjoy decorating your house, you may work on one room, but it wouldn’t stop there. 

The chances are that you would move to more rooms and continue to explore things you can decorate better. You would tend to discover more things you do, increasing your motivation to do more of them. You might even explore ways to make it into a business or offer to help others using it as it is something you enjoy doing. If you are interested, learn more about more ways to stay motivated here.

9. You Don’t Mind The Challenges That Come From What You Do

Most of the time, challenges are present in many things you can do, and something you enjoy doing is excluded from this. However, one of the signs that you enjoy what you are doing would be how you are more accepting of challenges and difficulties when you do them. For instance, finishing a game and you have been struggling to complete a level, but you keep trying. 

Although you may find different ways to complete the level, whether you study, spend more time, or ask someone for help. If you enjoy doing it, you are less likely to care about the struggles and instead find the whole process enjoyable or even accepting as the goal is what makes the process worth it.

It can be essential to stay positive as possible when you face challenges, say these things to yourself everyday to boost your positivity.

10. You Enjoy Doing It

The most simple signs that you enjoy what you are doing would be that you enjoy doing them. Overall, whether it is the time you spend doing it, the people you interact with, the discussions you get into, and the processes of doing them, you enjoy them. Although there can be times when you may feel tired, you enjoy doing it, so you often quickly come back to it. 

Also, the type of tiredness you get would be more satisfying and one that prepares you to get a good rest for a comeback. You may find a day on the weekend to rest or another that suits your schedule. You will feel energised and ready to return for another week of doing what you enjoy. Generally, when you do things you enjoy, you become more resistant to unfavourable factors like the urge to make constant complaints and the feeling of getting it over with quickly. 

Being in a position to do things that you enjoy is amazing so much that you might end up finding difficulty in managing your time and not thinking about them. Identifying these signs that you enjoy what you are doing can help you discover things you might need to change and continue for longer. After all, doing something you enjoy is one of the things that are important in helping you to feel energised, motivated, and satisfied. 

However, it would be helpful to balance the things you do with taking breaks so that you don’t get burnout and impact your interest levels. Although you are doing what you enjoy, it doesn’t mean you are unaffected by factors like burnout from overworking yourself. Also, don’t dismiss things you may not enjoy too quickly, as some aspects you enjoy might help you find other interests.