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5 Reasons How Staying Healthy Helps Improve Your Skin

by Mikey Lee   ·  1 year ago  
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Could maintaining positive overall health help in achieving the healthier skin you want? Here are some reasons how staying healthy helps improve your skin.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be one of the critical factors in improving your skin. Keeping positive overall health and well-being is as important as what you do externally for the skin, like having good skincare routines. Taking care of the skin and keeping it healthy doesn’t only involve having an amazing skincare regime. There are various reasons how staying healthy helps improve your skin, ranging from healthy lifestyle choices to defending the skin from potential environmental stressors. 

Skincare can start with making choices to help you lead a healthier lifestyle. It can be a bonus to improve your skin while, at the same time, getting motivated to maintain good overall health. Think about some of these reasons how staying healthy helps improve your skin which could encourage you to reflect on more things you may do in your lifestyle. In turn, you would also be working to improve your skin in addition to other things you might be doing to achieve healthy and glowing skin.

1. Maintaining A Clean Skin

Maintaining clean skin can be essential for good hygiene. It is one of the reasons how staying healthy helps improve your skin. Similarly to how you shower to cleanse your body of dirt, sweat and pollutants, washing your face helps keep healthy skin. Both body and face skin can need some attention regarding skin care. There are various benefits to having a face cleanser that suits your skin and knowing some tips to wash your face best

When you go around during the day and spend your time in different places, you could be exposed to numerous environmental stressors like irritators and impurities. These stressors and pollutants can lead to irritating the skin or cause a higher chance of breakouts and inflammation. Cleansing your skin and keeping it clean can reduce the rate of breakouts, redness and irritation.

2. Stress And Anxiety Effects On The Skin

Having a balance can be the right amount for the skin, but this could get disrupted by stress and anxiety. An increase in stress and anxiety may cause disrupt the overall balance of components associated with healthy skin, especially hormone levels. This imbalance can be caused due to how cortisol and adrenalin become more active and get released when you get stressed or anxious. 

Cortisol, in particular, can disrupt the oil production balance, which could cause the clogging of pores. When your pores get clogged, they may increase the chances of inflammation and breakouts. Therefore, it can be vital to have ways to cope with stress and anxiety, like engaging in hobbies when trying to improve your skin. If you feel that the skin has excess oil and clogged pores, you could help the skin by cleansing it or using serums to balance oil production.

3. Poor Diets Can Reduce Nutrients For The Skin

You probably heard multiple times that having a good diet can be important for overall health but also challenging to follow consistently. You may find it helpful and motivating to add healthier diets, as this is one way to be healthier and even improve your skin. Balanced diets filled with rich nutrients, including fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, can improve skin health. Also, some top foods are specifically known to be helpful for the skin, which you could incorporate into your diet.

After all, many nutrients like vitamin C and collagen, often contained as ingredients in various skincare products, are generally already being produced within the body. Collagen helps to keep the skin plump, while vitamin C assists in evens the skin tone. However, a balanced diet can be essential for the body to make them optimally.

Related Post: 5 Simple Healthier Alternatives To Common Snacks And Beverages

4. Protecting Your Skin From The Sunlight

Putting on sunscreen to protect your skin from the sunlight can be another reason staying healthy helps improve your skin. Sunlight is one of the most common external and environmental factors that can cause harm to your skin. Although in moderation, sunlight could provide benefits for the skin, overexposure to it may damage the skin. The sunlight can release free radicals and inflict oxidative stress, potentially leading you to lose elastin and collagen, which helps the skin stay firm and radiant. 

More specifically, UVA, UVB and blue lights from the sun often affect your skin. UVA and blue lights may speed up skin ageing, while UVB can cause sunburn. Additionally, all three lights could bring about hyperpigmentation and the development of age spots. Therefore, it is recommended that you put on sunscreen daily, especially if you feel that you will get exposed to it for an extended period.

Read More: Everything To Know About Sunscreen

5. Effects Of Low-Quality Sleep On The Skin

You may have heard the importance of getting good sleep for overall health multiple times, which can be the same for skin well-being. Inadequate and low-quality sleep could disrupt the skin renewal and regeneration cycle. The unbalance in the skin may cause it to become dehydrated frequently and increase the risk of irritation. The skin can become more sensitive and vulnerable to breakouts or redness. 

You would also develop dark circles under your eyes more easily and form pigmentation easier because you lack and have a low-quality sleep. These can be caused due to how you are not getting enough good sleep, and the skin could be having difficulty repairing itself. If you want to improve your skin, getting enough good sleep is one of the most important things you must do. In turn, it would also help boost your overall health and allow you to stay healthier, supporting to improve your skin.

You might have noticed from these reasons how staying healthy helps improve your skin and some ways that don’t involve using skincare products. A great skincare routine that provides the skin with nutrients and suits your needs can be helpful. However, it could be essential to reflect and explore holistically other things you can do outside of the skincare regime that helps improve the skin. Some ways to improve the skin could be exploring things that also help improve your overall well-being.  

Exploring other possible things you could do to support your skin to improve and stay healthy doesn’t always need to be complicated. It can be as simple as putting on sunscreen, particularly in the morning and finding an activity that helps you to destress or make some time to relax. Try to think about what you could do now. Take small steps to slowly change or add things that can help you improve your overall health and, in turn, even benefit your skin.