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The 5 Mind-Blowing Benefits Of Eating Slowly

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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If you ever thought you eat too quickly, you need to learn about these mind-blowing benefits of eating slowly. Doing this could help you be more conscious about your eating pace the next time you eat and can have numerous benefits.

Often, it is easy to dismiss and forget how you eat can have various impacts on you, whether it is fast or slow. In these busy and fast-moving times, more people seem to eat faster than slower. However, there are numerous mind-blowing benefits of eating slowly, including some relating to health and weight loss. Also, not to mention that trying to eat quickly and in a rush frequently, like you are being chased, can be pretty stressful. Sometimes small and simple acts like eating slower can do so much for you and help with living a healthier lifestyle.

Everyone has times when they have to eat in a rush, especially with many things and obligations you might be involved in daily. People tend to make little time for eating, especially when other commitments like work and studying are involved. You could be missing out on these various mind-blowing benefits of eating slowly, and eating fast may be impacting you more negatively than you might think. Knowing about the benefits helps emphasise the importance of making enough time to have a proper meal and not something to take lightly.

1. Eating Slower Can Make You Feel Full Without Overeating

It is known that when you eat fast, you tend to eat more as it can take time for the body to sense and communicate with each other, signalling that you feel full. It could take around 20 minutes from the beginning of your meal for your brain to send communication to signal about your satiety. You might have experienced this yourself. Perhaps you went to a buffet and ate quickly, excited by the thought of trying all the food there.

As it can take some time for your body to recognise that you are full, eating slower helps to give the body chance to receive the communication. On the other hand, if you were to eat fast, you would likely consume much more than you need or want. So, eating slower can help you feel more satisfied without overeating and potentially getting frustrated or uncomfortable from feeling too full.

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2. Eating Slower Helps Promote Better Digestion

If you ever had concerns or felt challenges in digesting your meals, one common reason could be that you are eating too fast. One of the mind-blowing benefits of eating slowly can be that it helps the body to digest better as there are processes that your body undergoes for digestion. Similarly, with how it could take some time to feel full, your body can take time to digest what you intake. Consider digestion to be comprised of a few steps. 

For instance, the digestion process can start when you sense what you will consume, like the smell and your thoughts. Generally, you would begin to salivate, which is your body preparing for the food. Saliva helps break down what you consume and makes it easier to swallow. Next, your stomach would often increase acid for the food to arrive and so on to digest what you intake better. Eating slowly and taking time to break down what you consume can be vital, and chewing the appropriate amount to support the body to digest better.

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3. Eating Slower Can Increase Satisfaction

One of the interesting things about eating could be associated with happiness and perhaps even life satisfaction. More specifically, eating tasty foods helps increase dopamine which is one of the chemicals related to the brain’s reward system. It tends to rise when you are involved in pleasurable activities. Some even call dopamine a happy hormone. You might be asking how tasty food could be associated with eating slowly.

Imagine, when you eat your meals, do you have it for the sake of needing to consume food and nutrients or do you take time to enjoy it? Eating slower can allow you to enjoy the food and could even increase your mood through the enjoyment. It could be helpful during meals to engage in self-care time. Taking the time to enjoy and efficiently chew your food, allowing yourself to take in the taste, flavour and aroma of what you eat could boost your mood.

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4. Eating Slower Helps With Weight Loss

In addition to how eating slowly can make you feel full without overeating through the communication that happens around the body, it also helps regulate hunger levels. In turn, this can help with weight control and loss. To better regulate calorie intake, eating slower gives the body time to release hormones signalling fullness but also reduces ones that signal hunger. A hormone called ghrelin, which controls hunger, is reduced while other fullness hormones are released.

The amount of food or calories you intake is often closely regulated by hormones, particularly those linked to appetites and fullness. So, eating slower allows the hormones to be released appropriately, reducing appetites and discouraging taking in extra calories. This process of the brain receiving these signals can take around 20 minutes.

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5. Eating Slower Can Better Put You In Control

Some key way to be able to eat slowly is to designate time as you could take the time to have your meal in peace. Also, not to mention the potential harm you may get and the various benefits you could miss out on if you eat in a rush all the time. This may mean that you could be more in control of your eating, like taking time to decide the food options and having time to eat slower. 

For instance, when you don’t consider the time when you are eating, especially if you have a busy lifestyle. It can be easier to choose food options that you could grab and go rather than taking the time to think about perhaps a healthier diet range. Depending on what you eat, you could get various benefits, such as foods for healthy skin or meals with daily recommended fruit and vegetable intake. Furthermore, having time helps you to have peace and allows you to eat slowly at ease, and not like being chased by something which may be quite stressful.

You may be surprised that more people tend to eat fast than you think, but eating slower can have amazing benefits. Sometimes, small and simple sounding habits or changes like eating slower can do wonders for you. For instance, if you have difficulty digesting food and get indigestion quite frequently. This could be happening because you have been eating in a rush more often lately. Being more aware of the potential triggers can be helpful. Trying to eat more slowly may help with better digestion. 

There are other mind-blowing benefits of eating slowly, such as helping you feel full without the need to overeat and maintaining or losing weight. Also, possibly increase your mood and satisfaction by allowing yourself the time to enjoy the food, like aroma, flavour and taste that you could miss out on when you eat quickly. Not to mention, eating in a rush and feeling like you are being chased by something can be pretty stressful. Although it sounds like a small habit, eating slower could help you lead a healthier lifestyle.