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Tips And Importance Of Managing Time To Do What You Want

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Do you want to do many things, but you get concerned with managing and using time effectively? 

Time is one of the most valuable resources we have, and as crucial as it is, we need to manage it effectively to balance our lifestyle so we are able to do what we want. As with many people, we have limited time due to work and other commitments. Time management is one of the skills we require in many situations, including doing what we want, and some benefits can come by making reasonable measures.  

Although managing time can be pretty challenging and can take much work to sort out the best plan, various ways can help you. However, there are multiple things to consider when making measures. Most of the time, there wouldn’t be one plan that fits all because so many changes arise, and we would need to quickly adjust or make a new plan so you could continue to do what you want. 

Importance Of Managing Time

Time management is a skill that can be applied in many situations, not to mention it is beneficial and vital. In some way, you are probably already managing your time, such as at work, finishing tasks to a deadline, and making time to go shopping after work. Luckily, time management is a skill that can be developed through experiences. 

Although managing time can take some work, it can make things much easier in almost any case. Being able to manage time can help you when sudden changes occur and live a more balanced lifestyle, such as doing other things even if you have work. Time is something you can’t get back, and some people like to refer to time as something even money can’t buy, making you think how valuable time is again. 

However, it can be said that each individual determines the value of time for them, and it is up to you how you want to use that precious time you have. People can advise on what you could use your time for, but you should decide how you use the limited time you have and sometimes look into ways to use time productively or fully. Being able to take time is really important when you want to live a luxury lifestyle. 

As mentioned, you would be deciding if you have been using time as fully as you want and effectively. Deciding can be an essential factor. You probably sometimes felt, although you did so much work at the end of the day or particular time, such as the end of the year. However, you could have done so much more and wonder if you have used the time effectively as you might have wanted. If you decided that a certain way was how you wanted to use the time, it could reduce the possibility of thinking if you could have done more.

When you manage your time sometimes, you can leave a substantial time blank, which does not mean you are wasting your time. One can argue that there is no such thing as a waste of time as long as that is what you have decided yourself. Time can affect many situations and to you depending on how it is managed or what meanings you put on time is for yourself. 

Tools That You Can Use To Manage Time More Efficiently 

Various tools can help you to manage your time effectively. Everyone can have different tools that they feel are compatible with their style. You should explore the available tools to see if they suit your style and needs. Depending on your needs or resources, you may sometimes find specific tools easier to use or be more effective. 

Some of the tools you can use are: 

  • Calendar 

A physical calendar is an excellent tool for noting down simple things to do for each day. Leave the calendar around the locations where you would likely look to be reminded about what you need to do. However, using a physical calendar alone could have limitations, such as writing spaces, which other tools may have to help you add additional details. 

Many of you should have a mobile phone and calendar app, and if you don’t, you can use Google calendar, which is free. There are different features to use in the mobile phone and google calendar, such as title, reminder alert, adding location, notes, start time, and end time. You can use both to complement each other, so you don’t miss out on something even at home, not depending only on your mobile. However, use your phone to get extra reminders and add additional details that you couldn’t write in your physical calendar to manage your schedule. 

  • Timetable 

A timetable is a simple tool to make a schedule for the day, week, and even months if you want. It is pretty easy to use and allows you to see what you have to do when you schedule things in the timetable. If you wish, you can make your timetable if you have access to different software such as Microsoft Excel and Numbers. 

Suppose you want to make the timetable more clear and personalised. In that case, you can add a space for notes, make colour labels to make categories for even possibly activities that are usually fixed, such as break or lunchtime, and even highlight the necessary schedule. You can also get a daily physical schedule if you like physical more and print it out when you have made a timetable yourself. 

  • Diary 

The diary has been used for a long time, and in many environments, you may have given a diary in school or college. Even though many people may prefer using electronic tools to manage their schedule, but physical diary can have its advantage. However, there is an electric version of the diary if you like a digital version. 

Anyways, a physical diary to manage your time is great because you can have it with you practically everywhere in various sizes that you prefer if you want. Furthermore, in more serious meetings or where digital devices may not be appropriate, you may find a physical diary more accessible and professional. You can choose to have both a digital way and a physical diary to transfer both ways according to the situation. 

Write your schedules down the traditional way, highlight for clarify and make changes accordingly. You can have multiple diaries to divide occasions if you don’t mind carrying around numerous or looking at various diaries such as for work and personal life, making you feel more able to separate these two for your lifestyle.

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Effects Of Not Managing Time Effectively  

Before going through some tips on managing time, to reaffirm the importance of time management, let’s discuss some effects of not managing time. You can’t get time back, which means you should be deciding more carefully how you should be using the limited time you have. As you start just to let time pass, and you may notice, time passes relatively quickly that you may begin to regret or wonder if the time you let pass has been efficient or to your satisfaction. 

You could be affected by how you are not using time properly, and one of the ways to try to avoid this situation is to manage your time well. Even though you are just sitting or lying down blankly somewhere, you might not need to consider this a waste of time if you have planned this. Sometimes, people need some time not to do or think about anything but just let themselves have a break. 

However, not using time effectively can fill you with regret, anxiety, pressure, negative thoughts, stress, and disappointment if you have not made some plan. You know that sometimes when you felt like you did so much work but still felt like you could have done more or didn’t do enough. If negative thoughts become built up, you can feel negative about what you are doing and be confused about what could be considered time well spent.

Also, suppose you don’t manage your time efficiently. In that case, you can feel that you are chased by the time, such as things to do or that you are not getting anything done as well because you have no record of some things you need to do and in some cases, even not get any work finished with no sense of time or some indication of the deadline. Luckily, there are different ways that you can use to help in managing time and thinking about how you are spending your time.

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Tips On Managing Time More Efficiently 

  • Create goals and deadlines when possible

Being efficient in time management can mean you finish activities that you have to do, it could be within a specific time or for the day. Create goals, no matter whether it is short or long term. Having goals would allow you to work towards achieving that goal and not just push back because you have not made it your goal. 

Making goals and achieving can be a habit, and as you continue, you should be more conscious of what goals mean to you, which is to achieve it. Furthermore, you can feel motivated as you finish goals and make you more productive to finish other things faster so you can have more time to do what you want. 

Additionally, make a deadline to finish goals, and this could help you achieve your goal with more motivation. Adding an indication of time can be pretty helpful when you time manage. Suppose you are thinking about why. Imagine if someone told you to finish a task by 4 pm and another by today. You are likely to move through the schedule to complete the task due by 4 pm and possibly before that time than the one you were told due by today because there was no specific indication of deadline time.

In a sense, you can think that you are chased by the time if you add a deadline time into your tasks. Still, this is in a better way, and it allows you to complete the tasks instead of procrastinating and leaving it to the last minute or sometimes, not even end up finishing because you left it too late. 

  • Use tools 

Don’t be afraid to use tools to record your schedules, even if you are not a planner. Tools can be a great help when you need to organise a plan designating time for each task, be reminded about tasks, create tags to prioritise tasks, and categorise them, such as fixed schedules. Also, think about how far you want to schedule daily, weekly, and monthly. Choose a day to make the schedule and use the tool. Having a record of the things to do and a visible image of your plan and if you have free time can be helpful if a sudden change pops and you need to make changes to your schedule. 

There are many time management tools that you can choose, including a calendar, timetable, and diary. Choose the tools according to your needs, such as what setting you are using the tools and how you want to manage – possibly physical or digitally and which relates to you most that you find easy to use or fit your style. 

  • Reflect on what worked 

If you have found an excellent way to manage the time that allows you to have free time to do what you want, record it somewhere or make a template if you made your timetable and continue to make changes to meet your situation that change. 

Time management is a skill, and you can continuously develop skills. As you continue to manage your time, you could create a habit and feel that time management is not that difficult and see more than how much time management has changed your life than how much work it took. Time management could become natural for you. Planning does not mean that you can’t be flexible. You can leave free time for any changes you need to make, outside of activities you want and need to do.

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As valuable as time is, you mustn’t get pressured and stressed from time. Use time management to reduce the risk of feeling that you have not used time efficiently enough and assist you in completing goals that you make. There are many time management tools you can use to make a flexible schedule to balance the things you need and want to do. 

Time management is a skill, and if it is a skill, it can develop through experience and learning, and you can get better at managing time as it becomes a routine or as you explore the best way for you to manage your time.