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How You Can Make Your Dreams Into A Reality

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Have you been wondering if you could make your dream a reality? If so, here are some ways that can help you.

Dreams can be diverse and range from small to large, short-term to long-term, and simple to complex. Technically, you could say that you create and make dreams. It can be materialistic that your dream could be to buy something or something you want to do, learn, and even achieve, such as creating your business and travelling to a country you want to go to. Dreams are usually attractive and appealing to you as it is often built through your interests. 

However, as good dreams can look and be, depending on the scale of your dreams, you could find making your dreams into a reality can be pretty complex, but this also doesn’t mean you can’t aim to achieve them. Therefore, it would help you think about your dreams and how you can walk towards making your dreams into a reality. It can be challenging to find where you can start. So, here are the things that can help you make your dreams a reality. 

Analyse Your Dream

Analysing your dream can be an unusual phrase. It can be broad as you want or even structured, and you can be selective on this approach. By analysing your dream, it could be asking questions like if the dream is realistic, you could be dreaming a fantasy as in dreams that can’t be unachievable no matter how hard you try right now. For instance, you want to use magic or see a mythical creature. Although you can make your dream as big as you want, it would help you to find out if your dream is in some way achievable. 

However, you can choose to keep the unrealistic dreams but focus on the dreams that could be achievable as a priority. After you determine if the dreams can be achievable, you can break them down further to see if there are any possible limitations for you to turn the dreams into a reality. If the limitations you may have identified are extremely complex or near impossible, you can find gaps or alternative things that might be closest to the dream you want to achieve. From there, you can focus on turning dreams into reality. 

Find Goals That Can Help You

Turning dreams into reality could be challenging depending on your dream and its scale. If you feel that things are not working or it would be good to explore other options to approach your dreams, as cliche as it might be, you can consider finding goals that can help you. The convenient thing about making goals can be that the goals are within your control, and sometimes having control over something could be great for you. The goals could be long-term, short term and even a mixture of long and short-term goals. You can even have deadlines for your goals if that helps you stay up to date and give you stronger motivation. 

Furthermore, some goals can be long-term goals but broken down into smaller goals to make them more achievable, and as a bonus, you can boost motivation as you achieve each goal which can be helpful for you to keep it up. Therefore, finding goals can be crucial if you think that having a rendezvous system for the dreams you want to turn into reality may help you, especially if you feel that you are at a block stage, finding it harder to go forward. If you are interested in more ways to stay motivated, you can check it out here.

Action Your Dream 

Planning wouldn’t turn your dream into a reality most of the time unless your goals and dreams were to be a planner or plan things. Since you might have taken some time or at a stage after planning and considering things that can help you to move towards achieving your dream, you can take the initiative to take action. Often, you may not be ready for what you are about to face or be bounded. You could say an obligation, even if it can be the one you created for yourself. 

However, it can be more helpful to try in some way and the extent to figure out at least some way, even if it might not be entirely if things can work for you or you need to change something. After all, there can be fewer risks at the early stage of the journey and things you can lose for most of the pursuit since you usually put in or have fewer resources. For instance, suppose you dreamed of becoming a pro gamer. You wouldn’t buy the most expensive computer sets with the latest equipment unless you have resources to spend or are contracted with a company that would sponsor you. If you are interested in finding out more things to know when you start something new, check over here.

Keep Learning

Sometimes, being curious and open to exploring can make a new journey more exciting or even motivating. Although, chasing your dreams and turning them into a reality can be complex and demanding. You may find that even if things sometimes don’t go the way you want, you can get things from your experiences, processes, and journeys. For instance, you can build skills, take in new experiences and realisations. 

So, it would be helpful for you to understand that the time you spend on your pursuits could be opening you to new opportunities and developing talents that can be great for another thing or the future. After all, who knows if you may face a challenge or situation that could be solved and be easier for you due to what you experienced or learnt previously. Therefore, it could be best to be open to learning and see what the journey can take you, thinking about what you learnt from the experience rather than the time spent on something that didn’t work. 

Continue Trying 

As you pursue your dreams and goals, you may find yourself in various situations. Situations that can make you feel uncomfortable, challenged, and even unmotivated. As you might have found with other things or stories you heard and experiences you might have that sometimes, journeys can have a mixture of fun and excitement and challenges and obstacles. Suppose there might not have been any challenges or obstacles. You may wonder if achieving the dream was worth it and if that was satisfying or left you with something like experiences and skills. 

However, when you have overcome those difficulties, maybe you will feel like you made an outstanding achievement to continue to expand your dreams and even inspire others with the unique story you can tell. After all, you probably have experience overcoming some problems or complex situations. This time, you could be approaching these challenges to significantly achieve something that you want. 

Therefore, please continue trying even if things can be challenging at times. The goals you found, the motivations to turn your dream into a reality, and the challenges you overcome can help you go further. Additionally, asking for help when you need some when the situation allows can also support you in building a more stable network for you. 

Take Breaks

Sometimes, turning dreams into a reality can be a long process, which means there would be times when you question yourself for pursuing this and feel unmotivated or exhausted. Therefore, it can be vital to understand that taking breaks is okay and even beneficial for you. After all, being burnt out and unmotivated can worsen the situation. Suppose that you are unmotivated and hold unto a task you need to complete but are unmotivated. The time it takes to finish it can be longer if you end up completing it at all, and the quality of the finished tasks might not be excellent. 

What could be worse in this scenario can be that when you get faced or come back to the task, you can be stuck with negative thoughts. The time you spent on this work could have been a waste of time, especially if the task was essential for you to do that you needed to redo the work, and the long hours could have been used for something else. It might have been better for you to take a break from the time you were forced to do work and, for instance, continue to stare at the screen or book until you can get something out. 

There could be various ways to approach what it means to take breaks for yourself. You could take breaks regularly during the day, for instance, 15 minutes of small breaks every 45 mins you work. Another way can be where you have break days such as on the weekend where you don’t work at all, which can be great if you think about work often even when you say you are in a break time. To learn more about time management, you can check this post here.

You Are You 

So often, people compare themselves to another, especially due to how easy you can do that. For instance, there could be news and social media posts about people who succeeded, sometimes with unreal stories. You might be able to search on the Internet for people who are doing similar things or have done them, but when you try, you may realise that it is not how it seems and that it is more complicated than it looks. 

However, sometimes what you might see can be different than what it could be. Suppose an article pops up that says a young person created a business from their garage without any funding or connections. It could be accurate, but it may not, so it could be best that you stick to you are you approach. You can check out positive things you can say to boost your positivity here.

Although having some knowledge of people who did it and how they did it can be helpful and inspiring, sometimes, you might end up questioning yourself, particularly when things are not working as you have planned or wanted. Also, it can be helpful to give yourself some credits and even rewards. We often don’t give ourselves credit for what we accomplished, how small, and how big the achievement is. It could be the key to staying motivated and being more positive. 

Understand There Are No Perfection

You might think there are things such as perfection, but if you look closely and consider enough, you may notice that there are no such things as perfection. Even if there were such things as perfection, it could be near impossible as being perfect can be a powerful expression. You might know the saying, everyone makes mistakes, and being perfect means that not even a single, no matter how small of an error, has been made for that person. 

So, it would be best to understand that there is no perfection and give things a try. After all, most or not everyone learns and experiences to figure out what would work and not if this dream turns into reality, or you might even find that it is not something you want after. Also, you can say that perfection is a definition you come up with and expectations that you make up so you could feel pressure if you have peak exception from the start. For instance, landing a strike every time you bowl. 

It can be fantastic to have dreams that can motivate you, open opportunities, and even develop your interests. Although turning your dreams into reality might be challenging and cause you to face all kinds of obstacles and situations, you can create ways to help you stay motivated, such as creating goals and taking breaks.

Thinking about the key things and trying them out for yourself can be helpful to identify what might work for you and if you need to change your approaches. Also, understanding that it is okay to ask for help and make mistakes can be vital, and pausing your pursuits as long as you are satisfied with your efforts and experiences. Although something might not have worked, you can find yourself in a spot where you have built new skills and interests in another area.