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What Could A Luxury Lifestyle Actually Be?

by Mikey Lee   ·  3 years ago  
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Have you ever wondered what a luxury lifestyle could be and how you could be living one? You may be surprised at some of the ideas. 

This may not be an ideal start, but a luxury lifestyle is not one thing. There is no exact answer to what it could be. However, there are some ways you can identify what a luxury lifestyle could be, and it can be different for everyone as it is for how people’s lifestyles are different. You could consider a luxury lifestyle to be fundamentally used to describe one way of living. There are various ways to perceive what a luxury lifestyle is and how to live a luxurious life. You may already have a luxury lifestyle or even some aspects of it.

To start, many people and organisations implicate luxury as a privilege, perhaps for those who have money and create the image of luxury into extremely difficult to grasp. This could be what a luxury lifestyle may mean for some people, but not for others. There will not be one idea or exact answer for how people should live to achieve this lifestyle.

Take a look at the meaning of luxury in the dictionary as an example: ‘a state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense’. Although it mentions great expense, it says ‘especially,’ which implies that it could comprise a significant amount of money or resources. Still, it does not state that you need this aspect of having a great expense for sure at your disposal to live the luxury life. 

Of course, this can be what some people could call a luxury lifestyle. It could certainly be helpful in many cases, allowing you to be out of financial stress, which could be what some people consider the luxury lifestyle. 

Everyone is a different person in different situations, living environments, and backgrounds. What luxury lifestyle can be might just be decided by you, what are you extent to call life to become luxurious and this may even constantly change like how you change. There are various ways to consider having the luxury lifestyle and creating your perceptions of what a luxury lifestyle is for you. 

Being Able To Do What You Like

This may sound like something that might be trivial to mention, it might be what a lot of people may be aiming for to live a more satisfying life, and it can feel that it seems like something that is more right of a thing to do. However, doing what you like is not as easy as you might expect, and some may already know what I mean by this. 

Not only is it hard to find something you like, but it can also constantly change, and even if you want to do what you like, sometimes some factors do not allow us to do what we like, such as the world changes, a situation that you have and even not fitting the requirements. Therefore, you can argue that if you can find and do what you like, you might be saying you are living the luxury lifestyle. 

It is great if what you are doing remains what you like, but if it changes or something else you desire is discovered, there is the matter of how easily you can go towards the change you want. Most people might need to face challenges when trying to chase what they want to do and not have the leisure to every time. It can be challenging, but it doesn’t mean that it is impossible. However, some people even turn what they like to do into their career or side-gig. If you are interested in starting something new, check out here to see what you need to know.

I am sure some of you have something that you are doing that you like already and even be doing it now, which is fantastic. You should not feel discouraged to chase what you want to do. At least give it a go, and the fact that you could try to do what you liked can also be a luxury lifestyle. As a bonus, you may find other opportunities while you do it as well. By continuously taking the path to chase what you like and doing what you want, you are on your way to living the luxury lifestyle. 

Finding Where You Feel Belong

Being in a position that allows you to be exposed or explore different things puts you at a great advantage when you are looking to find where your interest is and where you belong. This can be considered a luxury in the current world, where there are so many things you can try and do. Many people might not have leisure even to find out what is out in the world and even if some people do, not being able to go out of their way to try what they found truly. 

Walk towards the luxury lifestyle by finding ways to explore what you are interested in doing, even as a hobby, and be exposed to the things out in the world that you have never done or seen. When you have found a place where you feel belong and are interested, you feel more comfortable, indicating that you have started to live your luxury lifestyle.  

You can even try to find social clubs you may be interested in or even try joining to check them out. Sometimes, interest emerges from your interaction with different factors involved with where or what you are doing. These various factors can include people, activities, how you feel about it, and perhaps even how your values or goals relate to the group, you are part of. 

Sometimes, when we live, maybe you could say the world we live in contributes to this, but we all are most of the time pushed to act in a certain way or become a person that we need to belong in the society we need to belong. Find the places where you can be you and still belong, where you can find comfort, happiness, and meaning, and it doesn’t have to be the answer. Still, if you see even a tiny hint of these aspects, these all can be valuable when establishing a luxury lifestyle for yourself.

Related Post: How To Live A More Luxurious Lifestyle

Making Achievements 

With any other lifestyle, you can establish what a luxury lifestyle is for you by thinking about how various achieving goals make you feel, no matter how small the achievement. Does making achievements make you feel content, motivated, and even seek more challenges to overcome? You might think that having goals to achieve makes you feel genuinely living the luxury lifestyle. 

Not just anyone can accomplish goals, even if they are small and who is to say that your goals are small. In the end, you will need to justify if the goals you have are small for you and sure, people can give you their opinions, but they can’t make the decision for you like many other things that you hope someone can just decide for you at times. 

When you make a decision, you could say you are responsible for your decision, and it can even affect what kind of person you become or the life you will live. Sometimes, you may wonder about the other choice you could have made, but as much as some people want, you cannot turn back time. The most you would likely be able to do is change the outcome by making another decision or just ponder what could have happened if you took the other choice, which would probably not be helpful for you in that situation. 

So, perhaps it could be better to think about what you learnt through these experiences, maybe the people you have met through this journey, the skills you have learnt and information you have gathered, and the achievements you have made. Achievements do not need to be consistently good. You can even consider achievement as something you learnt when you made a mistake or acknowledge that you didn’t make a better choice, but your choice was not wrong. 

A luxury lifestyle can test you, your limits even in success, what you would do when facing a challenge, and what you define as achievements. Do you have the luxury to make a choice, mistake, learn, chance to try for the goals you made, and go out from your comfort zone?

Related Post: Could Setting Goals Potentially Be Harmful?

Finding Your Happiness, No Matter How Small 

Do you agree that to be comfortable is to be happy? To find your way to a luxury lifestyle, one can argue that you should be comfortable and happy. Explore and reflect on things that make you happy, no matter how small that happiness. It would be best if you didn’t try dismissing the happiness, even a slight hint to it you have found doing things, meeting someone, or going somewhere. 

You should be the one that finds the happiness around you, and this can make you feel what luxury lifestyles can be. You should be the one deciding what can make you happy because fewer factors could be influencing you to confuse if what you find happy is linked to you. 

For instance, you went on a rollercoaster ride with a friend, and it made you happy, but when you tried to ride a rollercoaster alone, it didn’t feel as good, which can question you, was what you made happy from hanging with a friend or riding a rollercoaster with a friend? Of course, this does not mean you can’t do things with other people, but you should try to recognise if you were influenced by factors present there. 

Try to visit places, meet people and do things, find what brings you the happiness you deserve, and see that having these can put you at a luxurious place just for yourself. 

Being Able To Take Time 

One of the perks of a luxury lifestyle could be taking time, living, and doing things at your own pace. Sound pretty simple, yet it can be complicated. Note that what it means by taking time is that this is done comfortably, and this could depend on the person. Many would need to think about their situation first. 

Although, luxury lifestyle does not need to be linked with great expense every time, having some financial stability or resources can be pretty helpful. However, when some people think about comfort, some may consider having an ideal financial situation, which is not wrong either.  

However, some may think about what they are taking the time for, and sometimes it can be more valuable than money, like how you can say that money can’t buy everything. For example, in one perspective, money can help you spend time on things you may want to in comfort, but it can’t buy extra time. If you are interested in learning more about time management, you can check them out here.

Think if luxury lifestyles to you can mean taking time as you want, living and doing things at your own pace, and enjoying what you do with the time you have. These things can help you find and establish what you think when considering what luxury lifestyles can mean for you or involve you.

Tools To Help You Find Your Luxury Lifestyle

• Intelligent Change: The Five Minute Journal

• Build A Happier Brain Guide

• High Performance Planner

You could say that everyone can live a luxury lifestyle, but you might need to figure out what a luxury lifestyle looks like for you. Is it being rich, or is it to feel comfortable, doing what you want, and having the time you can take as you want at your own pace? Everyone’s answer to this question will be different. Try to reflect on the lifestyle you live, about what you would consider to be luxury lifestyle for you and what you would like to change. 

Regarding if luxury lifestyle means having great amount of money or resources? From discussing the different ways luxury lifestyle can be described, you can certainly say having these would be excellent and helpful for you to live the luxury lifestyle. However, it would be up to you if they are really necessary or not depending on the luxury lifestyle you want to live and if it means to have large amount of money.