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Could These 10 Skincare Myths Be Misconceptions?

by Mikey Lee   ·  3 years ago  
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There are many skincare myths around, but have you wondered if some could be misconceptions?

Skincare myths can be quite complex as everyone could be different and how they can be perceived. Sometimes, someone could have experienced a particular thing or ended up finding something that didn’t work for them and sharing them as skincare myths. However, what they experienced might not have been everything and could be relevant for others. 

Therefore, it would be best to consider if the skincare myths you have found or introduced could be relevant and make sense. After all, some of the skincare myths can be misconceptions that a group of people shared and emphasised to have a specific effect. Sometimes if you get exposed and be influenced, it can feel that the myths do what they say, either feel wrong or right to you depending on who told you or how you perceived it. 

So, when you ponder about the skincare myths, ask questions and be open to seeing the skincare myths from various perspectives. Also, many factors can change or affect skincare and your needs, which can range from simple to complex levels. If you didn’t hear some of the skincare myths before, you could be surprised and be confused at some of them.

– There Is One Perfect Skincare Product For Me 

The skincare myths that try to tell you there is one perfect skincare product for you to get a huge improvement for your skin could be a misconception unless you managed to find a magical skincare product for yourself. There are many factors to consider when you try to find skincare products that might be suitable for you. Factors that could range from simple to more complex things include your skin type, environmental factors like temperature or where you live, and even work you may be doing. 

Although there are so many skincare products out there, you will probably not find one skincare product that would work for you. Additionally, having various skincare products might be why there is not just one perfect product for you. After all, more new and innovative skincare products seem to be getting released, which could be better than the previous version or, in general, an improvement with upgraded formulation or newly found and improved ingredients. 

– You Need To Use Cotton Pad For Toner 

Many toners seem to have a how-to-use instruction that guides you through using a cotton pad when using a toner. Skincare myths that consider the use of cotton pads can be a misconception. You don’t necessarily need to use a cotton pad when you use most skincare products, such as a toner. The instruction recommends using a cotton pad because it could help cleanse your skin with the toner lightly, and there could be fewer irritants that can be transferred to your skin.

You can use your hand to put toner on and dab to help your skin absorb the other better. However, if you use your hands to put on the toner, it would help if you clean your hand beforehand as bacteria, dirt, and germs could be transferred to your skin. Additionally, using your hands can be better if you are trying to contribute to sustainability goals by reducing what you throw away. 

– Oily Skin Type Shouldn’t Use Skincare Products

Although having an oily skin type can mean that you have excess oil and might be more prone to acne breakouts as your pores can be clogged and congested. However, having an oily skin type doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use skincare products. You should find ways to help you manage the excess oil and to keep your skin clean so that you can reduce the risk of your pores becoming a trigger for skin concerns such as acne breakouts and even dark spots or blackheads. 

Therefore, it would be a better benefit for you to choose suitable skincare products, especially cleansers, to keep your skin clean and reduce the chance of your pores becoming clogged or congested. You can use some skincare techniques to keep your skin reduced from excess oil, such as double cleansing by using gentle cleansers to cleanse your skin twice without stripping your skin off too much. You can also benefit from skincare products by using light moisturisers to keep your skin healthy. Find out here if you are interested to creating your simple 3 step skincare routine.

– Using Hot Water Often Can Be Beneficial For Your Skin 

There are some debates using hot water can help you open your pores up. However, does that make using hot water often beneficial for your skin? One can try to justify that using hot water rarely might be acceptable, particularly if they have a reason or depending on where you are using the hot water. However, often would be another matter, so using hot water often for benefits could be a misconception. 

For instance, there are some benefits that you can get from hot showers and baths, but you could say that there are some other options than using hot waters but get good benefits. If you are interested in finding out the different ways to bath, take a look here. Although, some people are debating that hot water can open pores and even assist with cleansing oil on the skin. However, cleansing your skin often with hot water can be quite stripping, making your skin dry and even worse skin conditions such as eczema or irritating your skin. Also, hot water can impact your keratin cells, creating dry skin and disrupting your cells from retaining moisture. 

– Men Don’t Need To Take Care Of Their Skin

The skincare myths pointing out that men don’t need to take care of their skin seem to be misconceptions. Everyone should take care of their skin, especially in this time of the world. There are so many factors right now that can affect your skin. Some of which could be environmental factors such as dust, bacteria, weather like temperature or humidity, and even blue or UV lights. Additionally, skincare can help combat effects from exhaustion and lack of sleep. 

Men should at least use cleansers and sunscreen to keep their skin clean and healthy, protecting them from strong sunlight. Furthermore, we often forget about or don’t include caring for body skin. Men should use body lotion or moisturiser to keep the body skin hydrated and moisturised to stay healthy. This skincare myth might have surfaced as some men could find the skincare concept new to them or get exposed late due to social construct. 

– Not Cleansing Your Skin Can Cause Acne 

Not cleansing your skin causing acne would mostly be a misconception as only not cleansing doesn’t necessarily cause acne. However, not cleansing your skin doesn’t help you reduce it either. There are various factors and reasons you can get acne, which some don’t even relate to skin physically but even mental aspects such as being stressed and anxious. You can take a look over here if you are interested in learning about the best ways to cleanse your skin.

The cause of acne can range widely and is usually involved with bacteria, germs, oil production, congested or clogged pores, inflammation, irritation, stress, hormones, and even your diet in some cases. So, you could say that not cleansing your skin doesn’t directly contribute to the development of acne but helps reduce your risk of developing acne. You would keep yourself cleaner by cleansing, such as from oil, bacteria, and germs that can directly cause acne to develop. 

– There Is One Right Way To Create Your Skincare Routine 

The skincare myths that point toward one right way to create your skincare routine can be a misconception. It would be best to consider so many factors when you create your skincare routine, such as what your needs are, skincare products you want to use, and how many steps you want your skincare routine to have. Also, when you choose the skin care products you would use to create your skincare routine, it would help to consider some factors, such as environmental factors.

Making your skincare routine can be filled with exploring and experimenting as there are so many skincare products that you could put into your skincare routine. Additionally, skin type is one of the things you consider when you choose your skincare products. You might have to check from time to time as your skin type can change depending on factors like where you live, what you have been exposed to, and even the effects of your skincare products. If you are interested in learning more about skin types, check out over here.

Furthermore, you could face a different situation where you don’t have time or need a simple skincare routine. Also, there could be times when you get exposed to more innovative skincare products and better versions of skincare products being released, so you readjust your skincare routine. Therefore, the skincare myth surrounding the right way to create your skincare routine can be considered a misconception. 

– Taking Care Your Internal Health Doesn’t Impact Your Skin 

The skincare myths surrounding how internal health doesn’t impact your skin can be a misconception. Although your external care, such as having a good skincare routine or choosing suitable and beneficial skincare products, is essential, internal factors can impact your skin. There are various ways that internal health can affect your skin, such as mental health and even your diet. 

For instance, stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep can have aversive effects on your skin, such as hormonal imbalance, acne development, and oil production that can cause clogged or congested pores. Therefore, it is essential to find ways to regulate your stress and have a good sleep with the recommended time of between 7 to 9 hours. Additionally, your diet can be vital, such as keeping hydrated, preferably with water, so that your blood can flow smoothly and eat healthily to get the nutrients you need. 

– You Don’t Need To Worry About Anti-Ageing Formula When Young 

When you are young, you might not need anti-ageing formula, but that would depend on your lifestyle and your definition of young. Therefore, not needing anti-ageing formula at all might push it, especially with many young people starting to get ‘tech lines’ due to using so many electronic devices such as mobile phones and laptops. Tech lines can mean the lines that develop on your neck as you look down often on your electronic devices. Using anti-ageing formula can assist with reducing or developing fewer tech lines. 

Additionally, getting exposed to a lot of stress can increase signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines as cortisol, a stress hormone that can affect your collagen that helps to keep your skin more firm. Therefore, you should consider some factors, such as how often you use your electronic devices and get exposed to stress or start to see signs of ageing. 

– You Don’t Need Sunscreen Indoor 

Skincare myths that point toward not needing sunscreen indoors can be a misconception. It can make sense as you could be indoors and no sunlight is getting in, or your skin is not exposed. However, sunscreens can provide other benefits. They can be used as a moisturiser if you don’t have a separate moisturiser and can help protect your skin from other averse lights such as blue lights. 

Blue lights can contribute to ageing your skin. Therefore, it can be critical to use sunscreen, especially sunscreens with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, to protect your skin from blue and fluorescent lights. It is recommended that you use sunscreens daily in the morning with over SPF of 30. 


There are numerous skincare myths that people’s experiences or findings have shared. However, depending on the myths, you should consider if the myths you are looking at or have been exposed to are relevant or misconception as people can be different. The skincare myths could be representative of a particular group or situation. 

These 10 skincare myths shared could be misconceptions as many of them did not consider certain benefits and disadvantages, such as using hot water often or how internal health can’t affect your skin. After all, hot water can provide certain benefits but could be harmful if you cleanse your skin with hot water too often.