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Are Toners Really Necessary? Find Out Your Answer

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Have you been trying to revisit or create a new skincare routine? Did you visit toners and ask yourself. Are toners really necessary?

Although toners have been getting used for quite a long time, toners have become a subject of debate about whether they are necessary for skincare. There has been a bit of a cycle of questioning and wondering. If toners play a vital role for the skin and if they are essential for quite a while now. However, there wasn’t exactly been a concrete answer to the question, are toners really necessary even now.

After all, toners have been used for a pretty long time. There are some reasons why they have been. First of all, toners are visible everywhere, if not almost everywhere, meaning that people still use them and have functions that some people want. Toners have numerous benefits and can still be an excellent addition to your skincare routine. Although some people may disagree, everyone can be different and have their other preferences or needs. After learning more about it, you can decide the answer to, are toners really necessary for you after learning more about it. 

What Are Toners?

Various types of toner can be beneficial depending on your needs. However, toners are generally used as the first step of your skincare routine after cleansing your skin. Toners prepare your skin by creating, and you could say, a good base for your skincare routine. It cleanses and refreshes your skin from any residue that may be left without stripping it after you have washed your skin with a cleanser. 

Therefore, toner prepares your skin to be ready to absorb your skincare products better after toners such as serum, moisturiser cream, and mists. However, that is not all toner does. Toners can be filled with great ingredients like glycerin, acids, and antioxidants. Depending on the ingredients and formulations could have different benefits, such as soothing effects and tightening your pores. 

Benefits Of Toners

To be a bit more specific, here are some of the benefits that toners can provide you with: 

• Cleanse

Most toners have ingredients such as rose water or salicylic acid that can help you cleanse some dead skin cells, impurities, and residue after washing with a cleanser. 

• Refresh

Some ingredients, such as cucumber extracts and niacinamide in your toners, can help you refresh your skin so that they can be prepared and absorb moistures or nutrients from skincare routines that come after the toner. 

• Hydrate

Toners can also have ingredients such as glycerin and vitamin E that have hydrating properties helping your skin be hydrated during your day. Furthermore, toners could even provide anti-ageing support with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C ingredients.  

• Balance your pH 

The recommended pH for your face is around 4.5 – 6. Some ingredients such as AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) and BHA (beta hydroxy acid) can balance your skin pH, preparing you to apply your other skincare routine products. 

• Protect 

Some toners are filled with antioxidants such as green tea and calendula to protect your skin from pollutants and impurities that you may get exposed to as you go around for the day. 

• Treat

Also, toners can provide a soothing effect on your skin. If you are keen on some soothing effects from your toner, look out for ingredients such as allantoin and chamomile.  

• Tighten your pores

Some ingredients that could be present in your toners, such as glycolic acid and retinol, can help you tighten your pores to make them less visible. 

You can see the various benefits that toners can give you. Although the benefits are separately listed, many toners have multiple ingredients to provide you with more than one benefit. Depending on your needs or preferences, you can explore which toners would work for you, such as the environment you get exposed to often and your skin type. 

Should You Be Using Toners?

If you have not found the answer, are toners really necessary for yourself yet? It’s okay. Skincare can be pretty complex. There isn’t precisely one answer or button that can immediately give you perfect skin. Some factors would be best to consider, such as your sensitivity to ingredients, environmental exposure, and skin type. 

After all, these factors can significantly impact how you should take care of your skin and what might be best for you to use. It could be quite direct or simple for ingredients, such as your allergies. Also, ingredients that might be known to be irritating for some people like fragrances or alcohol and essential oils. Check over here to find out how to create a simple 3 step skincare routine incorporating toner.

Identifying ingredients that could be irritating or cause problems for you can be challenging. You will probably not find out if you are sensitive to specific ingredients without trying them out. Although, some ingredients you may choose to try avoiding, such as fragrances, since they have been known to irritate people. However, for other ingredients, you would need to explore and learn about them.

For environments, you can consider if you often get exposed to intense sun, hot or cold areas, and humidity. Thinking about some of these factors can help you to see if toners would provide you good support and if they can facilitate your needs, such as protecting your skin from environments and keeping your skin hydrated for the day. If you think you get exposed to some of these factors, it would be best to consider using toners as the benefits you can receive from them can help you greatly against these factors. 

Additional Things You Can Consider 

• Skin types

Although toners can be suitable for all skin types, the type of toner that could be beneficial can differ depending on the skin type you might have when choosing and using toners. There are debatably 5 skin types. Debatable was added as some people consider sensitive skin as a condition and not a skin type, but there are dry, oily, normal, combination, and sensitive skin for this occasion.

For instance, if you have an oily skin type, you may want to focus on helping your skin to reduce excess oil, and toners can assist you with it. You can use a toner with salicylic acid in the ingredient list to remove excess oil without stripping your skin of natural moisture. Therefore, providing your skin some relief, hydration, and a soothing effect if your toner has ingredients that benefit you. 

Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, you can explore toner options with ingredients that could be gentle on your skin. Try toners that have calming ingredients, such as cucumber extracts and chamomile. These toners provide a soothing effect, but your skin can also get hydration. Find out here more about skin types and how you could find yours.

You might wish to find toners that work to nourish and provide deep hydration for your skin for dry skin type. You can look for ingredients such as amino acid, hyaluronic acid, and glycerin, which can help you keep your skin hydrated and nourish by supporting your skin to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. Also, it might help to check if your toners have a high concentration of alcohol that can be stripping to skin and dry your skin more. 

If you have a combination skin type, that is, you have oily skin in some part of your skin, usually around your T-zone (forehead, chin, and nose) and dry skin in other parts of your skin, you would aim to use toners that help you to keep your skin balanced. For instance, rose water can balance your skin by assisting with cleansing oily areas and hydrating areas of your skin that might be dry. 

Lastly, normal skin type could be the closest to balanced skin and usually be described as nearest to perfect skin. Therefore, it would be best to find toners that help you keep your skin clean, hydrated, healthy, and protected. Look out for toners that have antioxidant properties such as coconut oil and niacinamide with a hydrating formula, including ingredients like vitamin E and kombucha.  

• Skin conditions and your needs

Skin types can be one way to think about what toners could benefit your skin. However, another thing you can consider when you choose your toners and ask yourself, are toners really necessary for you could be to think if you have skin conditions or needs that can be supported by using toners. 

Suppose you have acne-prone skin. You can find toners that provide a soothing effect and reduce inflammation for your skin. You can explore toners that have gentle formulation and ingredients such as tea tree oil and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA), which can help you to cleanse your skin and calm your skin without irritating your skin.

Also, you might have mature skin which can benefit from using toners. You can protect your skin from pollutants and impurities that could contribute to ageing symptoms, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it would help to keep your skin hydrated. Therefore, when looking for toners, you can try to look for ingredients such as grape seed extract and vitamin C. 

If you have dull skin, you may want to find toners that help to brighten and nourish your skin. Some ingredients you can scope in toners would be retinol and ceramides to keep your skin hydrated and encourage collagen production. However, retinol can increase your skin sensitivity to the sun, so it could help you use it during nighttime and could be strong for your skin, therefore, needing some time to get adjusted. 

When you think you have large or visible pores and start exploring for toners. You can explore toners that help tighten your pores with ingredients such as ribose and lactic acid that can cleanse dead skin cells, encouraging radiant and firm skin that can tighten pores and reduce the visibility of your pores. If you are interested, check out over here to find out how to improve your skin in 7 simple ways.

When And How Often Should You Use Toners?

So, now that you found out more about toners and their benefits, you might be asking when would be the best time to use your toner and how often you should be using your toner. It could depend on you, but generally, toners are used after cleansing as the first step of your skincare routine. Check out here for a full guide on best ways to cleanse your skin. Your toner can set up a great base for applying your skincare routines, such as serums and moisturisers.

After all, toners can cleanse, hydrate, protect and encourage your skin to absorb the nutrients and moistures that you give to your skin through the skincare routine or products you use after the toner. So, how often should you use toners? As you would have a morning and night skincare routine, it would be helpful to begin your routines with cleanser and toner, so using toner once during the day and night would be reasonable. 

However, depending on the strength and sensitivity to the toner. It might be better for you to use less, once per day or every other day, and even more than twice. Possibly up to three times if you feel that the toner helps you stay hydrated during the day without stripping your skin the moistures, and no reaction comes from using it more often. 

Are toners really necessary can be quite complex to have a concrete answer, but you can discuss the aspects of toner to see if what toners can provide for you would align with your needs and try to come up with the answer that works for you. Additionally, the benefits of toners can help you improve your skin or maintain your healthy skin. 

After all, toners can provide you with various benefits and can be suitable for all skin types. Benefits can range from keeping your skin clean and refreshing your skin to preparing to apply your skincare routine so you can provide nutrients and moisture your skin needs. Considering the factors such as the benefits of toner, skin types, what you can get exposed to often like in your environments, and your needs can help you decide if toners are necessary for you.