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8 Common Ways That You Could Be Gaining Weight

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Understanding common ways that you could be gaining weight can help you find ways to lose or reduce the amount of fat you gain. 

When you felt that you were gaining weight, you could have wondered how and why you may have gained fat. There can be various common ways to gain weight, and by understanding these ways, you could find that it is easier for you to create effective plans that can help you reduce the amount of fat you gain and even find ways to lose weight. After all, depending on individuals, it can be quite challenging to lose or reduce the rate of gaining fat. 

Additionally, the same strategies that worked for one person to reduce their weight can affect another person differently. Therefore, knowing the common ways that you could be gaining weight can be crucial in losing fat and weight. Furthermore, find the most efficient plan or even countermeasures that you can explore to see if that strategy works for you. Also, losing weight could be a process, and finding what works for you and even aligns with your needs to stay motivated to reach your goal. 

1. Eating Habits 

As you could have imagined, eating habits can impact how you gain weight. There can be various habits that could contribute to gaining weight, and one of the most common eating habits may be that you are often eating quickly. Suppose you went to a buffet, you may have noticed that when you ate quickly, you felt full less and, therefore, had the motivation to eat more. This can be due to the time it takes for your body to feel full and the brain to register that you are full. So, it would be helpful to eat slower and take time to chew more when you eat if you feel that you eat quickly. 

Additionally, having your meals at irregular times can be unhelpful when trying to reduce your weight gain. Although having irregular mealtimes from time to time could be okay, your body rhythm to eating can be affected when you start having irregular mealtimes often. These can be things such as metabolism and appetite, which could lead to adverse effects to affect you, including gaining weight, poor sugar control, and a higher risk of chronic diseases. Therefore, if possible, even if you are busy, schedule regular mealtimes for a healthier lifestyle. 

2. Not Having A Good Sleep

Sleep can play an essential role in numerous ways and could have various consequences if you have problems getting good sleep, including weight gain. After all, many activities can happen during sleep, such as hormonal and metabolism, which affect weight control. Therefore, when you don’t get enough sleep, especially if this is frequent, hormones such as ghrelin, which signal hunger, and leptin which signals fullness, can be in disarray. This can cause you to feel hungry late at night and lead you to eat. 

Furthermore, your metabolism could be affected and not be at an optimal level as you get less sleep. It could cause you to start gaining weight due to not being able to metabolise your intake as fast as you did when you were having better sleep, even if you were consuming the same amount of food. Therefore, to assist your body in having a good metabolism and balanced level of hormones relating to eating, it would be best for you to have a good sleep, often referred to as between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. If you are interested in ways that can help you sleep better, find out here.

3. Too Much Processed Energy Food

You could be feasting on too much-processed energy food, which can be pretty addictive. Usually, energy foods containing many processed ingredients have high calories, are palatable to have attractive tastes, and contain high amounts of sugar, fat, or even both. Furthermore, having high calories and unbalance in blood sugar levels can cause food cravings, leading to more food intake. Additionally, your brain has a reward mechanism that reinforces the addictive effects of processed energy food. If you want to learn more about how diet and health can contribute to gaining fat, check out here.

Your brain can release a chemical called dopamine, which is released when you feel good most of the time. Usually, dopamine and other chemicals released when you feel good are released when you eat, which supports you to gain enough nutrients and energy. Highly processed energy food gives you a boost of feeling good stimulation to get addicted to this type of food. Your brain could start a cycle by causing cravings to intake more of those types of food so you can get the same simulation, and this can lead to weight gain. It would be helpful to reduce your consumption of highly processed energy food to maintain a balanced sugar and calorie level, which would help you control your weight gain. 

4. Eating Late

There have been various conceptions about eating late or at night contributing to gaining weight. Some people convey that eating late or at night doesn’t affect you, but this can differ depending on numerous situations and behaviours of individuals. For instance, you can have a healthy diet regime that stretches snacks until nighttime. You may find that you don’t gain fat from following this balanced diet and controlled healthy calorie levels. 

However, suppose you don’t have a balanced diet system, or you tend to eat a lot at night, particularly without many active activities and to watch a movie on the couch. After all, the night can be a time for many people to rest, and your body could encourage you to indulge in behaviours that help you feel good. This may even promote an addictive state with food and brain reward system and before you could realise it, find that you have been gaining weight. 

Although if you can manage your diet and calorie levels with an active routine, you may not gain weight. However, if you don’t manage properly, eating late or at night can significantly contribute to gaining fat and weight. Additionally, when you eat late or at night, you could find that you tend to eat more than usual due to hunger levels and being unbalanced, which would mean higher calorie intake and a higher possibility of gaining weight. Also, check out over here how taking a bath could help you lose weight, it can be great to do at night too.

5. Overeating

Overeating can be one of the common ways that you could gain weight. As you eat more calories, you can increase your chances of gaining fat. Although there can be multiple factors that influence how you gain weight, such as the rate of metabolism, type of food intake, and how active you are daily, generally more you eat something, the higher your calories can be. For instance, you can constantly be eating without any system in place and be eating on an irregular schedule or even stress eating. 

By doing so, you can be putting yourself in an unhealthy routine and even create an imbalanced system for your body which could impact your body functions or systems that help you manage digestion, calories, and weight. These can include your eating behaviour, hunger cue, metabolism, and digestion problems. Additionally, eating can cause you to be addicted through the reward system in the brain. It would be best to discuss with a professional practitioner or dietician if you have a challenge finding out the calorie suitable for you and the type of food that could fit your needs. 

6. Lack Of Exercise

Engaging in physical activities and exercise can be great for maintaining your weight and even losing weight. Furthermore, providing numerous benefits, such as decreasing the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases. On the other hand, having a lack of exercise or physical activities would contribute to gaining weight. After all, lack of exercise can be one of the most common ways that you could gain weight. If you are interested in finding a good exercise to do, learn about how amazing water exercises can be for you here.

As you eat food, especially if you consume high-calorie food, without engaging in physical activities and exercise can cause an imbalance in your calorie level to the energy you use. Therefore, the calorie and excess energy that you may not have used can be transferred into fat and increase your weight. As a general recommendation, it would be helpful for you to have at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily and even between 45 to 60 minutes if possible every day. However, it can be vital for you to balance your diet and physical activity or exercise to maintain your weight better and even lose fat. 

7. Not Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated can have various benefits, including elements that help control your weight gain. So often, we forget to drink water and stay hydrated. After all, some signs of thirst can be similar to when you might be hungry such as fatigue and feeling lightheaded. However, as a recommendation, it can be helpful to drink at least 2.6L for adult men and 2L for adult women of water. 

Although drinking more of something can be ironic, most water doesn’t have calories unless it is infused with water like with fruit and doesn’t contribute to gaining fat. Actually, rather than gaining weight from drinking more water, it can help you maintain your weight and even lose fat by increasing your metabolism and providing you with other benefits. After all, you can compare drinking water to other drinks such as soft drinks and fruit juices containing calories and could contribute to gaining weight. Furthermore, water is crucial for us to live and is required for almost everything. 

8. Adding Extra Things 

Sometimes, small things could be contributing to how you have been gaining weight. Suppose you recently started adding sugar or salt to what you eat and even drink. That could mean you are adding extra ingredients to what most food already has through the ingredients that have been used to make them. They can increase your calorie intake and even turn into fat if you have not managed to maintain your weight properly, such as by not engaging in physical activity. 

For instance, you might dismiss that fruits contain sugar and bread can contain sodium since they can seem trivial, and some of these, like fruits, are known to be healthy options compared to others. However, not maintaining properly and eating an enormous amount of fruits can be unhelpful for controlling weight and even reducing fat. Sugar can build up without using the energy from constantly consuming food. So, if you have been adding extra things such as sugar and salt, you may find it helpful to reflect and monitor some of the things you have been doing differently to revert to things that worked for you. 

Maintaining and even working to keep your weight at a healthy level can be essential as there can be various benefits that you can get with them. Furthermore, many activities and things you engage in to maintain and reduce fat are healthy behaviours like having a good sleep which helps with other benefits and not only for controlling weight. Some of the common ways that you could be gaining weight are often dismissed as they can seem trivial such as adding extra things. However, some of the things that you may categorise as insignificant can be what is making you gain weight. 

So, knowing about the numerous things that can be contributing to you gaining weight should be helpful as you could make countermeasures or reduce what you have been doing to take steps towards controlling weight better and even reducing weight. After all, it can be not easy sometimes to find strategies and create a plan without knowing what the causes could be, and this can be the case with your weight gains. Sometimes, it can be helpful to reflect on your changed habits or behaviours and even ask for help if things get too challenging, like from your professional practitioner or dietician for weight control at least.