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7 Things To Say Every Day To Boost Your Positivity

by Mikey Lee   ·  3 years ago  
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Did you know that saying certain things to yourself every day can help you stay positive? 

It is essential, to begin with, a positive mood when we start our day. If we start at the wrong side, we can feel bad the whole day, and when things start to go wrong, sometimes it feels like nothing is going well. Wouldn’t you say that you instead start in a positive spirit than a negative one if you are beginning a new day and even a week? Luckily, there are some ways you can boost your positivity.

You may have heard your approach to how you feel about doing something, and you can change how you think from what you hear. Derived from this idea, one way to boost your positivity is to put yourself in a position where you can encourage yourself and reaffirm that you are going to have a great day. 

You can even call it investing some time for yourself or hypnotising yourself to feel more optimistic for the day. Try to say the following 7 things that can encourage you and boost your positivity in front of a mirror to yourself every day, and wonders can happen in your own comfort zone with nobody around. It is only going to take a short time.

1. I Believe In What I Am Doing

Belief can play a vital role in boosting self-confidence and, in turn, make you feel positive through that empowerment and how you can do what you are doing. Believing in yourself should be one of the most crucial things in whatever you do. If you do not believe in yourself, why would you expect yourself to succeed or others to believe in you and what you are doing?

So often, we can forget that when we were young, we had a dream and learnt so much throughout our journey. You can say this world we live in did not allow you to pursue that dream sometimes. However, did you also believe in yourself firmly that you could have really done what you wanted to before letting it go? It is not too late to start believing in yourself and reaffirm your belief every day to pursue your new dreams or do what you want.

You might have heard a saying, ‘You gotta believe it to see it.’ If you don’t believe in your visions, you can’t expect to achieve your dream, which could make you feel negative even before something happens. 

Things can get tricky and rough as you go, but having that belief alone can boost your positive feelings. It is like cheering yourself when you say that you believe in yourself, and the more you say it, you can empower yourself more. Convince yourself every day that you believe in yourself and become more positive. You can do anything and everything you can as long as you have not given up on yourself.

2. I Am Doing My Best Today 

Give yourself acknowledgement that you will do your best today and encourage yourself to do the best you can even if it will be a challenging day. Change your approach to the new day positively by telling yourself that you will do your best today and take some time for yourself to cheer ourself for what would happen. 

So often, we only focus on the long list of work to complete or goals to achieve and the schedules we have but don’t take the time to give ourselves some credit for doing all these things. It would be best if you acknowledged the efforts you are making for the day. 

Sometimes, you can have so many things to do which we can’t complete or did not complete to our satisfaction each day. Therefore, if you affirm yourself to do the best on the day, even if you didn’t finish everything or to the standard you wished, you can say that you did the best today. 

Not only would you feel more optimistic about the day, but you might even feel motivated to work harder tomorrow. 

Depending on each individual, you can have a different standard of satisfaction, but doing the best can apply to everyone. Wouldn’t you say that doing your best every day is more important than giving up on the day because it is too challenging or different from your expectations? Give yourself the acknowledgement you deserve and work to do your best every day.

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3. I Accept Myself For Who I Am 

Identity plays a vital role when we do something, it makes you who you are, and without having an identity, you would be missing a part of yourself. Acceptance plays a crucial position in allowing you to stay empowered through concreting your identity. When you accept yourself, you accept yourself for who you are as a whole, including your flawless and flawed part. 

You may have heard something close to ‘You have to love yourself before you can love others.’ This can pose as true at times. When you don’t love yourself, it becomes pretty difficult to love others even if you want to, and if prolonged, you can start to feel quite lost. 

You should accept and love yourself for who you are. There are many benefits to it, starting with a feeling of confidence, positivity when you try to socialise, and even relief. Wouldn’t you feel sad if you were mad at yourself every day? 

Although accepting yourself can be difficult sometimes, especially when you see what you consider a flawed part of yourself, take extra effort to give some attention to yourself to accept and see yourself for who you are. When you see too many negative things, you don’t see the positive side of things, and there are indeed more positive things you have that you can’t see from the negative shroud you are facing. 

Often, we compare ourselves to other people, which can be good at times but not always, especially when you see others have something you know as you lack or want. Don’t take this too much into heart, especially if you find that comparing doesn’t help you. You may never know the whole story of what you see these days. Just focus on accepting and loving yourself by taking some time away from everything. It is okay to compliment yourself. 

4. I Am In Control Of My Own Happiness

Be in control of your own happiness, say it and make it happen. This is one of the life goals many of us have. To be in control of your happiness is one of the crucial ways to stay positive. Reaffirm every day that you are in control of your own happiness by repeating every day to yourself, and you should feel confident to pursue that happiness. 

Get the feeling strong and positive that you can control your happiness through this process, not just from the external environment but your own as a whole. We often consider more about external happiness but do not take the chance to really think about where our happiness rest. 

Don’t be afraid to take some time while you encourage yourself about what would make you feel pleased. There are many types of happiness. Find these and take control of it. Think about things that made you happy in the past and try them out again. You will surely find things that you haven’t thought about in a while. If you want something new, you can start small by finding a hobby and slow challenge yourself to find immense happiness like a career change. If you are interested in starting something new, you can check out the post that explains what you need to know.  

Sometimes, taking control can be difficult, but you have to try, and making that effort can be the process of taking control. Say that you control your own happiness and take that time for yourself, especially when you are having a challenge. Remind yourself why you are dealing with this difficulty and get positive. After all, it is to take control of your own happiness. 

5. I Accept The Responsibility That I Have Fully For My Own Life

Responsibility can be a crucial factor for taking charge of your own life. When you accept the responsibility that you have fully for your own life, you accept the decisions and choices you made for you to be in the current position. The things you have done in your life and those you need to can influence how you want to live your life. 

If this can influence your life, wouldn’t you feel better about taking responsibility for your own choices and experiences? So often, we can tend to be hesitant or find excuses when we choose, especially when the result is worse than another option you had. Taking responsibility can make you more concrete and even change your way of doing things. 

Being entirely responsible for your own life means that you can be more careful about making choices and outcomes you get from you, not anyone else. What you do and the decisions you make for your life, although other people can give you their opinions, in the end, you will be the one living the life resulting from your experiences.

Although taking responsibilities can sometimes be hard or even scary, you need to start stepping up and say that you accept these responsibilities for yourself eventually. By doing this, you should be living the life you want by your choice, and this would be a positive thing that you can be in charge of your own life.

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6. My Best Have Not Come Yet

Your best day has not come yet, meaning you will have a better day. You may think that this sounds like a runaway tactic which might be one way to believe it but let’s look at it more positively as, after all, we are trying to boost our positivity. Suppose you have the best day today and say this to yourself. Wouldn’t this imply that you can have a better day another time as well?

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use this as a runaway tactic. However, even if you say this when you are having a challenging day, it can be a positive booster that you will have a better day tomorrow. How there will be the best day tomorrow is an excellent thought to push yourself further. No matter your situation, another new day is waiting for you. 

Especially when faced with challenges, you can be excited for another best day and take today as a challenge you are meeting for that day to come. So often, do we not take the time to look at how a better day is waiting for us. Sometimes, we compare ourselves to others who look like they are having the best day in their life and do not take some time to tell ourselves that there will be the best day waiting for us. 

7. I Am Grateful For Today

Let’s take a moment to be grateful for today, even the negative that we made it through the day. Often, we take things for granted and don’t use the time for ourselves to really reflect how we are healthy to go through the day. It is okay to let yourself know how you are grateful for what you have and how you are fit to do something you like the next day.

It is quite a good habit to spend some time away from everything to think about today, even if the day was challenging. That challenge probably allowed you to learn something and even was an opportunity for you. We can learn something new from anything we did, no matter how tiny and redundant that was for you. 

Also, what is the chance you will face challenges all the time? Take this to a count and be grateful that you were able to get through the challenge you did today. After all, some argue that learning is for the privilege, and not everyone has the chance to get the opportunity to do what you do, whatever it might be. 

Being able to take time for yourself can be a privilege as well. So, when you can, use this chance to reflect on your wonderful day and even think about how you will have another day to live. As long as you can stay healthy, persistent, and take time, you will strive to live the positive and luxurious lifestyle you deserve. If you are interested in knowing the different types of luxury lifestyle, I have explained about them here.

Take the time for yourself as it can be more important than you may think, and encourage yourself often. It doesn’t hurt to acknowledge yourself and cheer yourself to believe, accept and do your best. Also, grasp the chance to reaffirm yourself the days that would come and how thankful you are for the day you have had. 

We often make excuses and stay away from being alone but sometimes, being away from everything and just being there for yourself might be what you need. It would only require a short time, and you can do this in your own comfort. Say these 7 things to yourself every day. These are all relevant to how you can stay and boost your positivity. Especially when you are having a challenging time, remind you that the difficulty does not last, the opportunity you have, and better days waiting for you.