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7 Simple Things That You Can Do To Improve Your Skin

by Mikey Lee   ·  2 years ago  
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Have you felt that trying to improve your skin can be pretty complicating? There are some simple things you can do too.

There can be many things to consider when you begin your skincare journey. The chances are that you might be having mixed feelings, both excited and bewilderedness which can be expected. After all, skincare is a vast field, and there can be so enormous information base about things such as what you can be doing or what you can use to improve your skin. Occasionally, having plenty of information out there can make it more complex. 

However, improving your skin doesn’t always need to be challenging. There are some simple things that you can do to improve your skin. Sometimes, the easier and more familiar things can be the ones that are forgotten or dismissed. However, simple things may be one of the essential factors that can improve your skin. It can make your skincare journey more exciting and easier for you too. Without further delay, here are some simple things that you can do to improve your skin. 

Drink Water 

Staying hydrated can have numerous benefits, including on the skin. Drinking water sounds simple, but the crucial question you might need to ask is if you are drinking enough water daily. The recommended amount to drink water daily is 2.6L for men and 2L for women. Although you can drink other substances that keep you hydrated, water is still the safest way and natural source to be hydrated.

You can be using the best skincare products and routines, but as skincare products are used to nourish your skin, you should do your part by drinking a sufficient amount of water. Water can help you remove toxins and bacteria that can be harmful to you. Additionally, water can assist you in fighting the consequences of dehydration.

Dehydration can escalate the process of ageing signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dullness showing in the skin. Your body requires water to function optimally and be dehydrated for a long time, and you would see the effect of dehydration externally. However, drinking water can quickly resolve most of the dehydration effects. 

It would be best if you tried to stay hydrated, preferably through drinking water than other substances. Furthermore, drinking water is one of the simple things you can do to improve your skin since everyone should drink water anyway. Just the challenge is to keep up with the amount you should be drinking every day. 

Learn About Your Skin Type 

One of the first things you can do is find out about skin types. There are 5 skin types, debatably as some people consider sensitive skin a skin condition. However, aside, there are also dry, normal, combination, and oily skin types that are pretty convenient and vital to know about to identify your needs better. If you are interested in learning more about skin types and how to find yours, check out this post.

There are various benefits and things you can do if you find out your skin type, such as designing your skincare routine more accessible and better to fit your skin type, and this can even reduce your cost or time finding the best skincare products for you. Additionally, you would learn more about yourself which can help you find answers to questions you may have had. 

After all, improving your skin can involve you experimenting and trying different methods to care for your skin. Finding out your skin type can help you pinpoint what you try and what may work for you. Adjusting to your skin needs is one of the essential things to do, as even if someone recommended a skincare product to you, the recommender might have a different skin type. In some cases, a varying reaction can occur even if you have the same skin type, making you question things or indicate to check for other skin conditions. 

Protect Your Skin 

Various factors can harm your skin when you move around during the day. You should find ways to protect your skin from these damaging elements such as UV and blue lights, bacteria, toxins, and dirt. If your skin gets exposed to these factors without protection against them, your skin can get damaged and affected by ageing signs faster. 

There are multiple ways to protect your skin, and the simplest method is to add a cap or hat to your fashion. It can give you protection against the sun, which contains UV lights, one of the most common factors that can damage your skin by targeting your skin cells if a hat or cap is not your thing or doesn’t fit with the fashion of the day. Add sunscreen to your morning skincare routine. It is recommended that you put on sunscreen when you stay indoors as well. 

However, blue light can be a bit more complicated than UV light. Although blue light is weaker than UV light, it can still damage skin, especially by reducing your collagen. Collagen is a protein that plays a vital role in your skin. It keeps your skin firm and looks younger by maintaining elasticity and playing a role in hydrating your skin, increasing your blood flow.  

You can still use sunscreen, but it should contain zinc or iron oxide as they support your skin by reflecting, dividing, and blocking the lights. You can also incorporate skincare products that have rich antioxidants in them. Antioxidants such as vitamin C and E are great for defending your skin from harmful factors like blue light. Additionally, antioxidants are used against bacteria, toxins, and other damaging elements due to antioxidants strengthening your skin. 

Use Lukewarm Water 

You might not know, but water temperature can be quite important to improve your skin. There are various benefits you can get by using certain temperatures when you wash your face or shower. Lukewarm water is excellent to use when cleansing your face and when you shower compared to cold or hot water, although they have their own benefits. Controlling your water temperature depending on your needs can be one of the simple things that you can do to improve your skin.

Lukewarm water can help you wash and get similar benefits with other temperatures. For instance, lukewarm can assist you in cleansing enough without stripping or drying your skin which is the case when you use hot water. Also, cold water can help your pores tighten but be less effective with washing oil off than lukewarm water, which removes oil while keeping your skin balanced. It would help if you didn’t underestimate the natural power of water. Some people wash their face with just water to give their skin a rest from chemicals or skincare products and can maintain good skin. 

Keep Yourself Healthy 

Keeping yourself healthy seems like a broad subject, but it can just mean creating healthy routines. You might have heard keeping your interior healthy makes your exterior healthy. It can be pretty accurate at times. You can relate to many things when it comes to improving your skin and looking after your interior health, such as coping with stress, taking in omega 3, and eating a balanced diet with vegetables and fruits. Focusing on your body can be as important as the attention you put on your face. Often, we forget that your body plays a role in maintaining good skin.  

If you are stressed, your body releases cortisol hormones, which increase oil production and cause internal inflammation. Having an exceeding amount of oil can mean that the oil can clog your pores and even cause acne breakouts. Additionally, you can get skin conditions such as skin rash, eczema, and itchiness through internal inflammation. Therefore, you should try to relax and find ways to cope with stress, such as doing some hobbies or implementing mindfulness techniques. For a diverse list of hobbies you can do at home, find out here.

Also, you should consider your diet and try to make a regime that follows recommended intakes for essential nutrients. This can include your vegetables and fruit daily intakes. As a recommendation, you should be intaking at least five portions of them each day. Vegetables and fruits provide various benefits and nutrients that help you improve and keep your skin healthy. For instance, you can get antioxidants from blueberries and potatoes to strengthen your skin. 

Also, it would help if you were getting omega 3 diets such as seafood, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds. Omega 3 is one of the substances your body does not naturally create but has great benefits for your skin. It helps you increase balanced hydration, reduce skin conditions such as acne breakouts or ageing signs and regulate your skin’s oil production. 

These things seem complicated, but some of these are probably what you might already be doing in some way, such as eating a balanced diet or having a good rest when you feel stressed. Knowing this additional information may mean that you are conscious of a little more when doing what you do daily already. 

Wash Your Face 

It would be best to wash your face twice per day during the morning and night. The exception will be if you sweat a lot as sweat can irritate your skin if there is too much exposure and for a long time. It is essential to keep your skin clean as you would have been exposed to harmful elements when you went around during the day. Although you might have a great skincare routine with rich antioxidants, you should still be working to keep your skin healthy, which incorporates maintaining your skin cleanliness. 

You can find gentle cleansers to keep your skin clean but balanced and even hydrated, with some cleansers having hydration formula. Using a harsh cleanser or soap that was not made for the face and had unbalanced pH can strip your skin and make it dry. Keeping your skin healthy and clean without drying and stripping is vital to improving your skin. Instead, you can try double-cleansing if you feel that cleansing with a gentle cleanser once is not enough.

Double cleansing consists of cleansing twice, either with the first cleanser you used or another gentler cleanser such as oil or milk cleansers, and using the gentle cleanser you have as the second cleanser. You should double cleanse during the night only if you have been using skin products such as makeup or sunscreen that are harder to clean and if you have an exceeding amount of oil. However, when you double cleanse, you should check if your skin feels stripped or dry. If it does, double cleansing might be harsh on your skin. You can check here if you want to find more about best ways to cleanse your skin.

Create Your Skincare Routine & Keep Learning 

Keep your skin moisturised and nourished by creating your fantastic skincare routine. Finding out your skin type and finding skincare products to form a good skincare routine is crucial to improving your skin. Some people say that taking care of your skin consist of experimenting, which can actually be true in some sense. If you haven’t found a skincare routine yet, you can check here for a simple 3 step skincare routine.

Sometimes, your skin can react to skincare products you might have been using for a while. This can be due to changes such as the environment you are in or your skin itself. Also, your skin type can change at times from skincare products you might have been using or from external factors as well. Therefore, you must adjust your needs and experiment safely to find the skincare products that your skin is fond of but don’t rush in finding these. 

Take measures to be safe, such as doing patch testing on your arm to see any reaction and gradually adding additional skincare products in your skincare regime. Your skin can take some time to get used to your new skincare products can take between 2 to 8 weeks. To reduce your cost and time, many stores have the option to take samples of what you want to try, so take advantage of these by doing some research on if any products are suitable for your skin type or condition. 

Take it slow and try things out safely. Keep learning different things you can use and adapt to the changes you face. Although, this may sound complex. When you start trying out products and get used to finding what works for you, it can be one of the practical and simple things that you can do to improve your skin.

These were some general simple things that you can do to improve your skin as complex taking care of your skin sound especially with the skincare industry being so broad. These incorporate the idea that there are still some simpler things you might already be doing. Still, you need to be a little more conscious. 

So often, some of these things are forgotten, such as staying hydrated by the recommended amount of water daily, and that your body needs attention sometimes, it is part of maintaining your good skin. It is essential to continue learning about numerous things that help you improve and maintain healthy skin as your skin condition can change, such as reaction to products or skin type through different factors. Go at your own pace, and don’t get too stressed. Sometimes if you think something can be simple, it can be simple after all.