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5 Ways To Improve Skin Without Even Using Skincare Products

by Mikey Lee   ·  3 years ago  
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Did you ever want to try or find out if there were more natural ways to improve your skin without even using skincare products? 

You have a good skincare routine with your favourite skincare products, and that is great! If you don’t have a skincare routine yet, feel free to check out this guide on creating your simple 3 step skincare routine. However, did you know that there are also some ways you can consider and implement which could help you improve your skin without the use of skin care products? Another good news for you is that some of these ways can even improve your well-being (Isn’t this a BONUS?). 

Anyways, the focus here is to share some general tips on improving skin without skincare products. Without further a due, let’s get to it! 

1. Sleep Well!!!

As you all may know, sleep is essential for people, and having a good sleep (typically between 7 – 9 hours) provides excellent benefits. With so many benefits that come from having a good sleep, the fantastic news is that skin is one of those who receive the benefits. Vice versa, not having a good sleep or not enough sleep can have some adverse effects on the skin, which I would like to share some before the benefits. 

You might already have some ideas in your head what the consequences of insufficient sleep are:

  • Dark circle under your eyes
  • Faster ageing image 
  • Increase in wrinkles or fine lines
  • Pale skin

There are reasons why these phenomenons are occurring. This is because sleeping is when our body, including the skin, is repairing itself.

So, importantly, what does good sleep do for the skin? 

While sleeping, some of the positive activities that are going on: 

  • The production of collagen which is very important for your skin as a protein that helps the skin look younger.
  • Blood flow increases to escalate nourishment on skin that could repair damage on the skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

What are some things that can help you get good sleep and improve your skin?  

One of the things you could do is consider your posture when you are sleeping. This could take some time to get used to, but sleeping on your back can have various benefits, including the skin. Depending on the surface the skin is touching, it could be rough on the skin or even be compressing your skin to create more fine lines or wrinkles. 

Another possible way would be to use a pillow that can be better for your skin or one that could be more suitable for you. One pillow you may want to try is silk because it can be pretty friendly to the skin. Silk does not absolve as much moisture as other fabrics, which allows your skin to keep the moisture. Also, it is known to be more resistant to allergy triggers, such as dust or bacterias, causing the skin to be less irritated and even creating fewer wrinkles or fine lines.

Related Post: The 10 Benefits Of Getting Good Sleep

2. Drink A Lot Of Water And Stay Hydrated

There are many benefits that drinking water provides for us than some people may think, and improvement to skin is one of them. On average, the recommended amount to drink per day is 2.6L (approximately 10 cups) for adult men and 2L (about 8 cups) for adult women. Although this is the recommended amount of water to drink, sometimes it isn’t easy to drink this amount consistently. However, hopefully, some recommendations, possible benefits, and consequences will motivate you to drink more water if you are not drinking enough. 

Dehydration is one consequence, and being in this state has different adverse effects on the skin, such as dry skin. For instance, your dry lips or mouth can lead to getting cracks and bleeding. You can also get dull skin to have skins with less elasticity, radiance, and plumpness. 

The great news is that some consequences can be almost instantly solved and quite easily by just drinking water, and good benefits come for you by doing this. Dry lips, for instance, can be solved relatively quickly by drinking water. However, dry and dull skins may take some time for the good benefits of drinking water to take effect.

Although there is no concrete data yet, that showed that drinking water would improve or hydrate the skin. However, some things hinted at improved skin by keeping yourself hydrated. The idea is that drinking water helps to hydrate across the body and is healthy overall which can impact your skin possibly due to blood flow improvement, helping to keep nutrients distribution healthy. 

Additionally, multiple people have reported they improved skin in terms of skin having more elasticity and dewiness, which seem to correlate oppositely with how the skin was less elastic and dry when dehydrated. 

3. A+ Diet 

Have you heard how taking care of your within can help your outside? This can be the case for your skin because the nutrients you take can support and nourish your body in repairing damages that were caused or even old cells that need replacing. This process can help your skin be optimal and fight some of the factors that can negatively impact our skin. 

Some of the negative factors that would be combated and impact your skin through a healthy diet are age, stress effects, impurities in the environment, and possibly sickness, with the note that being sick can cause the skin to be affected. For instance, did you ever get a cold and your mouth became very dry, so you need to drink more water to keep yourself hydrated? 

With some of these factors we are exposed to almost every day, it is crucial to support our body with the required diet. The essential diet can allow our body to work to nourish the skin properly, whether through good sleep that can also come from a good diet or the nutrients from what you have consumed. By doing so, skin can have the resources from your body to stay and look healthy as much as possible. 

So, what are some recommendations to make your way to an A+ diet?

Vegetables and fruits provide a wide range of nutrients such as antioxidants from carrot and papaya are examples that protect the skin from damages and impurities from what we might be exposed to, whether in the environment or other means of contact.

Additionally, vitamins are essential for the skin, which can be seen as many skincare products include some vitamins. Vitamin C, for example, from orange and broccoli, is considered vital as they assist in the production of collagen that helps the skin improve elasticity and radiance. 

It is recommended that you intake at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each day to get the great benefits that they provide. By taking the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, you would have access to a broad range of nutrients that benefit the skin. 

Another would be omega-3 or 6 fats which are vital and obtainable only through diet from vegetable and fish oil such as salmon and linseed oil as these fats are not known to be produced by the body. Omega-3 fats support the body to produce chemicals that reduce inflammation which is helpful for skins that are susceptible to inflammation. 

I would also like to recommend again that it is vital to drink the recommended amount of water or even tea such as green tea that can help with detoxification to improve the body function to maintain positive health, which can benefit the skin properly.

Related Post: The 12 Top Foods For Healthy Skin

4. Exercise 

Exercising provides multiple benefits that can help improve the skin and body since keeping within can help the outside. The common benefit that can be considered as generally helpful is the improvement in blood flow allows nutrients and oxygen to spread across the body and nourish cells, including the skin cells. 

Through improved blood circulation, the skin can stay healthy with the nutrients and oxygen it receives. Additionally, this helps us to combat ageing signs because, with the blood flow improvement, there is an increase in collagen production and promotion to old cells to be replaced by new cells, keeping the skin to be radiant and produce fewer fine lines or wrinkles. 

Also, when you imagine nutrients flowing faster with improved blood circulation, you can expect that toxin removal or detoxification flow would be sped up. With the detoxification process becoming faster, the toxin and other harmful compounds would be expelled, which will get more positive benefits on the skin with minor effects from the negative factors. 

Furthermore, when you sweat doing exercise, sweat not only cools your skin, but it also has other benefits. Some of the benefits of sweating include eliminating unfavourable bacteria on the skin, moisturising effect on the skin, which assist in combating ageing signs. Although we can’t avoid ageing, we can try providing nutrients and keep skin looking younger by slowing down the signs of ageing, as fine lines or wrinkles tend to develop more when skin is dry or lacking in necessary nutrients. 

For some people, exercise allows them to cope with stress, which can help your skin because when you get stressed, your body can be working to cope with stress by occupying your immunity system, which means that your body could be in a vulnerable state. As a result of stress, a hormone called cortisol is also released more, and they tend to increase the production of oil, which can result in negative impacts for your skin such as clogging of your pores or even breakout of acne.

5. Take A Break From Your Skincare Routine

Do you have an incredible skincare routine that works for your skin and has made an outstanding improvement to your skin? If yes, great news, and if no, not using a skincare product can still be a benefit to your skin. However, this can depend on the situation, and I recommend finding suitable skincare products according to your needs. 

Why can not having a skincare routine still be beneficial in some way? Sometimes, it is good to take a break from the skincare routine. This can be beneficial than some people may think. Consider the skincare products you use and how many items are on the ingredients list? 

The amount of ingredients average skincare product can be over 10. Can you imagine how many ingredients or chemicals are going on your skin daily, including the morning routine or if you use products during the night on top of it? Depending on your skincare routine, you might be putting over 100 per day. You might not even know what the skincare products are doing to your skin or what the mixture of ingredients may do long-term. 

Although, there are not much data showing that skin can build resistance or tenacity to skincare products. It could be doing this, from considering how usually, your skin can take around 2 – 8 weeks to get used to a new skincare routine or products. If the skin can get accustomed to skincare products, it could build resistance, and there could be less benefit with the same skincare routine or products.  

You may have heard that less can be good sometimes, and this could be considered depending on the skin’s situation. If you think or are satisfied with the current state of your skin, try to take a break from your skincare routines for a few days or even 1-2 weeks, and it might do wonders for you.

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To summarise, these were 5 ways that could be considered when you want to improve your skin without using skincare products. Additionally, some of these ways were able to even assist in keeping yourself healthy, which might even be a win-win for your skin as taking care of yourself within can help the outside. You may wish to try for yourself at your own pace and see which of these ways work best for you. Some of these ways, you may find easier to be consistent with by creating habits for them and in time, you will see your skin improve further than just using skincare products alone.