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24 Hobbies You Can Do At Home

by Mikey Lee   ·  3 years ago  
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Have you ever wondered if there was something you could do at home? Finding a new hobby at home is a beautiful idea and can benefit greatly. 

Things to do at times can be crucial, especially if you stay at home more often. Finding new hobbies can be a fantastic idea whether you have an urge to start something new, find a new interest, or suddenly have some free time on your hand. Not only are you making things to do, but it can be relaxing, fun, provide various benefits, and have the potential to allow you to make some income. If you are interested in ways to manage your time efficiently to start your new hobby journey, take a look at here.

Also, you could say there can be unlimited things you can do for your hobby, although some would be limited depending on time and place. Each hobby can have pros and cons, but you are bound to find the suitable ones for you with so many to choose from. The best way is to try the ones that have grabbed your interest. Here are the 24 hobbies you can do at home without further delay.

1. Write A Story 

Stay comfy and be a creator of your fantasy world by considering writing stories. It is a great hobby to start because you can do this in your leisure, both traditional pen, and paper or a digital document, and write at your own pace. You are not going to feel pressured since this is a hobby, and instead, you can have fun and be as creative as you want. Furthermore, you can even decide to share the stories you wrote online. There is also the option of keeping it with you privately, being anonymous if you want, and even publishing it, which can make extra income.

2. Start A Journal

For a while now, journaling has been used for various reasons, including improving mental health. You can think about writing a journal that can be private or even public if you feel like sharing. It can be physical, such as in a diary format or electronically on a digital document. Journalling can be having a conversation with yourself, and sometimes, it is nice to have time to yourself alone. You can write a letter to yourself, a reflection of the day or any ideas you had. You can be flexible when you start journaling and choose how often you want to write. 

3. Exercise

Exercising is a fantastic choice for a hobby and a great way to maintain your health. Although some exercises might need specific equipment and amenities such as swimming and golf, there are many ways to exercise. However, you still have many choices you can make at home. You can do simple weight exercises using water bottles filled with water and find suitable weights later on or create a routine with workouts that don’t even need any equipment, such as squats, push, and sit-ups. There are also many home exercises and videos available online to explore more choices. 

4. Gardening  

There are multiple benefits of gardening, including improving memory and reducing stress. You don’t need a gigantic land to start, and you can start with what you can, even if it means growing the plant in a pot with soil. You can choose your favourite flower, vegetables, or fruits that compensate you for your efforts since you can use them as gifts and ingredients. You don’t need to buy what you grow, so it saves some money. There are so many choices for you, and each plant has its own difficulties, so you can challenge yourself as you go along in your gardening journey. 

5. Start An Art Project  

Let your creativity out by starting an art project. Engaging with creative art is terrific for taking charge of your emotion. You could paint a view from your house, try digital art, and even use paper and pencil to draw. You can even get a colour book to colour pictures according to your creativity. Colouring is beneficial for your brain and helps you relax, giving you the chance to be away from all the busyness around you.

Related Post: 7 Reasons Having Hobbies Is Important For A Healthy Lifestyle

6. Gaming   

You can take an interest in gaming if you want. Many games range from old fashion to modern games and genres from mystery to romance. You are bound to find some games that will pique your interest or get attracted to some trending games right now. You will be able to play with friends, family, other people online and alone. The choices for what and how you want to play are yours. Gaming is a hobby that can help you socialise as it is a popular topic and be a platform to make some new friends. 

7. Decorating   

Suppose you are interested in customising and creative art. You are going to be interested in starting a decorating hobby. You can start small by changing your table to large like your whole living room and letting your creative spark. Frankly, it can even be an interest in decorating for a festive time such as Christmas. Many people might even be doing this already when you buy closets to fit your bedroom, but as a hobby, you may do it more often and think deeper as a project. Looking at the tremendous changes you made, your self-esteem can increase, and you feel more relaxed. 

8. Blogging

Start a blog if you have things to share and even create a community with people interested in the topics you are writing about. There are many free blogging websites, such as blogger, that you can use, which would let you be flexible with how often you want to write and post. Also, since it is a hobby, you don’t even need to choose a specific topic and write about anything you want.

9. Cooking   

Everyone needs food, and therefore, is no reason for cooking to be left out as a candidate for your hobby. Cooking is a valuable and rewarding hobby to start. It is convenient in many situations and would be pretty charismatic to be good at cooking, and the most fun part might be when you eat the delicious creation. You can cook many things and different ways to cook, such as smoking and barbecuing. When you are experienced enough, you can make your version of recipes or create your own masterpiece and make extra income by monetising them.  

10. Puzzle    

A classic way to spend some time at home would be to engage with puzzles. There are different types of puzzles, traditional pieces matching puzzles to crossword puzzles. Puzzles have many benefits, such as memory improvement and exposure to colours suitable for mood improvement. Discover and enjoy the many puzzles out there and if you are a creative person or get enough experience, try creating your own puzzles to share or make it into an income line. 

11. Play An Instrument     

If you are interested in music, you can start playing an instrument as a hobby. Playing instruments has many benefits, including improving cognitive ability, self-esteem, and memory. If you are not sure what instruments to play, fear not, as there are robust choices for you, percussion, woodwind, brass, and strings instrument families that you can explore. However, to note, it could be a pricey hobby depending on what instrument you want to start, but there are ways to reduce the prices. You can get a beginner version of an instrument or a cheaper version like a keyboard at the beginning than a grand piano. 

12. Photography     

Photography is a hobby that preserves and can create a journey for you. It is an accessible and convenient hobby. You can use your mobile phone or camera if you have one to start this journey. Photography is not only taking new photos but also using what you have. Take photos from home and pictures you may already have to edit. Create a photo book or start a photo journal to write a story and make it meaningful for yourself. You are the creator. It is a rewarding hobby that can preserve your memory for whenever and let you reminisce in the future about the fantastic times you had. 

13. Engage In Social Media    

Social media has been in trend and growing for quite a while now. You may have already been using multiple social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to interact, stay up to date with the latest news, and stay social. However, you can engage in social media deeper and share more often as a hobby. Social media is not easy to do and can be time-consuming, but it can keep you busy. Share interesting or helpful content often to grow your social media presence and attempt to form a community. 

14. Yoga    

Yoga is a healthy hobby to start, with multiple benefits such as improving strength, balance, and flexibility. It is also relaxing and can help you sleep better. Find some yoga moves online such as the bridge pose or mountain pose, to begin your yoga hobby. Furthermore, you can follow yoga videos online, and when you become experienced enough, choose your favourite music and do yoga. If you want, share your yoga experiences with others and encourage others to promote positive health. 

15. Acting    

Acting allows you to build self-confidence and improve your social skills. You may think of acting in an extensive set or theatre with many people and cameras, but that is not all. You can turn on your favourite movie or tv show and act with one of the characters or be one of the characters yourself. It is at your leisure and convenience. Film yourself, and if you want, you can share on a sharing platform of your choosing. 

16. Crafting     

Be a crafter. Make decorations and clothes with your creative imaginations. You can expand crafting hobbies as far as you want. Crafting hobbies can work with other pursuits such as decorating or art projects. Decorate a room by making your own decorations and begin a crafting adventure by creating an art project to do when you have time. You can sew clothing for yourself or surprise someone as a gift.

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17. Vlogging     

Vlogging is a video version of personal blogging, and it is excellent for anyone who prefers to work with video and wants to have visual recordings rather than writing. You can choose how to go with it, personal or public. Record your valuable memories for yourself or share your exciting and helpful lifestyle with others. Vlogging can quickly begin from your home and keep you busy, and you can edit the videos as well. You can be occupied even when alone and record a message to yourself. 

18. Dancing    

Put your music up and get in the mood to move your body. If you like to move your body at the sight of music or are interested in learning dancing, it is your time to call dancing your hobby formally. Dancing will increase your self-confidence and bring out your charisma while keeping your health in check, including reducing stress. When you are in the situation to dance, you will shine when dancing is your hobby, and you are probably not going to run out of options. There is casual dancing as well as formal which you can learn. 

19. DIY (Do It Yourself) Activities    

There are many resources for DIY activities, from crafting to cooking. If you are an adventurous person or keen to explore different things, try out some DIY activities according to your interest. The challenge level should vary depending on the activities, which is a bonus for anyone who likes to challenge themselves, but some DIY might be costly. Some use recyclable items, which might cost nothing if in possession. When you find interest from following DIY tutorials and videos, you can make the interest your hobby or even decide that you want to make your DIY activities yourself.

20. Cleaning 

Yes, cleaning can be a hobby and enjoyable, depending on how you put it into perspective. You might have found when you vacuumed or wiped somewhere and saw the result that you felt satisfying. There are so many ways to clean different materials and items. It can be pretty handy to know them. So, you can see how cleaning can be a hobby, learn different ways to clean and feel satisfied by the results you create from cleaning. You might feel that your self-esteem increases from having a clean house and knowing numerous ways to clean, getting the best result through your experiences. Also, cleaning can’t hurt but rather be more beneficial as living in a clean house can contribute to your health.

21. Formulate Products   

You can make the products you use yourself, whether skincare, bath, or hair products. To start, you can follow some formulation that is available as a tutorial and begin learning about ingredients. Learn how you could formulate products using your chosen ingredients through research and experiment when you have made a formulation. Even though, when you begin, you might feel that it is costly, it can be worth it if you made some formulations that work. After all, products can be pretty expensive when you buy them. Making them yourself might be cheaper and be more friendly to you as you can choose the good ingredients for you. You may decide to start a business yourself or share your formulations and even monetise them.

Read More: 27 Hobbies That You Can Do To Enjoy And Even Earn Income

22. Singing 

Raise your voice and let your emotions out. Singing is a good hobby against stress and allows you to express yourself, relax and build confidence. You can do it in your comfort zone, and yes when you shower as well. Please choose your favourite song and sing it out. You don’t have to be a professional singer. Enjoy yourself, and the more you learn to sing, you would improve as some say ‘talents can be built.’ If you feel comfortable, record yourself, and who knows, you might end up sharing your singing on a platform of your choosing. 

23. Learn A New Language 

If you want to find something to learn, try learning a new language. Knowing another language can be helpful in numerous situations, including when you travel to another country that speaks your newly learnt language. Find a language you were interested in learning or a language of your next destination. If you have never thought about learning a new language, explore the options you have, there are abundant options. Having the ability to speak diverse languages can be rewarding. 

24. Create A Software

If you are a technical person or have been interested in creating software, make your hobby to work on a project to make a software or application. You can make software that you find that you needed it somewhere that there isn’t one that has that function or make one that can be helpful for people. Making software can give you an incredible amount of income depending on the usage and interest of organisations who want to use the software. Creating software would probably keep you busy with the work required to make one. 

These are great hobbies you can do at home can be started at the comfort of your home and at your leisure. Hobbies can be flexible as fewer pressures and set deadlines are present for what you do. You should find a hobby that you have wanted to try or piqued your interest and aim to feel good when you do them. It should feel less like work, make you feel positive and relaxed. 

What is important is that you don’t try to do everything and choose a few to do so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, trying to balance everything. As much as there are many options, the best way to find what you feel fits you the most is to try some out and essentially enjoy what you chose